Chapter two

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Five weeks later
Ivy woke up. She was in a strange cage full of yellow sand. There was a strange device attached to one of the sides of the cage. It seemed to monitor her heartbeat which was currently speeding up as she stressed. Her wing was trapped in some strange hard substance and a strange flexible bandage was wrapped too tightly around her chest and she started growling, suddenly, the male kymari appeared. He ran over to the cage, before calling someone on his communicator.
"Tauren, have any of the fire lizards reacted this bad to captivity?, no?, this one won't stop growling and it's heart rate is way too high. You're right, I will call the vet. Goodbye Taureen."

Ivys POV
As the kymari ended this call I stood up, still half crouching, and backed to the other side of the cage as he opened it. He continued to talk to me to try to calm me down but I tried to scratch him before backing further against the wall. I saw my claws, as sharp as they were, had not punctured the kymari mans skin. As I was trying to get further back, he grabbed me around my chest, causing a shriek of pain to escape me, but his hands quickly released me as soon as he realised. He closed the cage after he realised I had not eaten any of the food. And walked back to another room in the house. I began repeatedly and strongly slamming into the front of the cage, even though it hurt my ribs and wing. As the cage teetered on the edge of the bench my squeaks of surprise and fear alerted Lorant of some problem. He ran back into the room just as my cage crashed into the floor, jolting my wing and causing the kymari some fear. He quickly picked up the cage and put it back on the table before picking me up out of it.
"I better make sure it's attached to the table before that happens again". He muttered as he sat down. he stroked my smooth scales, causing them to make a noise like metal on metal. "Hmm". Lorant muttered," I wonder if you can use fire like the fire lizards". I knew I probably couldn't, since I was so different from all the fire lizards, but it couldn't hurt to try. As I was placed under the heatlamp, he began screwing some strange latches to every corner of the cage, securing it, before he left me to sleep.

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