Chapter six

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Ivys POV
As Lorant walked back inside, trusting me to stay in the garden I smiled. He had tried out some names for me yesterday until I'd gotten annoyed enough that I had scratched it in the sand. As I flew over and grabbed a few sunburst berries i felt a strange pain in my flank before becoming dizzy and weak. I managed one last roar and a shriek through the mindlink before the darkness took me.

Third person POV
As the dragon drifted back into consciousness it began to snarl. It screeched at the strange Kymari holding its wings before sending out a massive blast of blue and white fire. As the male dropped it, slightly injuring it's wing, it took off into a shaky flight, landing on top of the door, before shaking the spines on its tail and inserting them into the lock. As it ran, it's wings having failed it, it called through the mindlink, before reaching for the one thing it had told itself it wouldn't do. The mindlink with the Kymari. Knowing he would most likely be asleep by now, it sent out a loud mental screech once more. As the Kymari, in his own house, startled awake, he heard another mental screech, this time of pain as the dragon had flown through a window. As it shouted out a location, before fading into silence, the Kymari male stood up and began running.

As the dragon struggled back to it's feet, growling from the pain and lightheaded from the blood loss, it noticed something in the bushes near it, another of it's kind, or something similar. Taking off into a shaking flight, it flew about a hundred metres before falling again, not registering the presence of the Kymari standing over it, or that he was the one who had found her the first time. As he picked her up, before stepping into the transporter, she whined one last time, then was silent

Sorry for the short chapter but it would've gotten awkward if it had gone on any longer. I hope you enjoyed and please vote on chapters you like

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