Chapter eight

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Ivy's POV
As I was finally brought back outside I smiled, the cold nights in the building were uncomfortable and I preferred being out here. I also wanted to find the owner of those mysterious eyes that had been watching me yesterday. As I took off, landing in a tree again, Lorant looked around worriedly, I guess he was anxious that something like that might happen again. As I watched, Lorant walked back inside, trying to look casual although he knew I could use the mindlink to contact him. As I looked around I scented something from just above the netting that covered the yard. I flew up, curious since dragonets never came this close and most other things couldn't get up there, only to find something similar to my own scent. I flew at the gate, letting out a controlled spiral of fire, before flying out to where I had scented the creature. I followed it's trail to find a sunburst berry bush, with something hidden underneath. As I lowered my head for a closer look something came whistling past my head, a dart like the one that had been found in the yard. I grabbed the sleeping dragon, who was about half my size, before running off and keeping low to the ground. As soon as we where far enough away I leapt into the air, searching out Lorant's house by scent and diving for it.

As we landed Lorant ran out of the house, and stopped upon seeing the strange dragon I carried. As he reached down I noticed another dart in it's neck and gently pulled it out. The small dragon was mostly a dark purple with white speckled wings, her tail was more feathery than mine and was also speckled, like the rest of her. As she stirred awake I glided over to the gate and held it shut, hoping she would be calm. she raised her head, her neck wobbly and weak from the tranquilliser, before dropping it again.
"Maybe you should go inside", I warned Lorant through the mindlink, before turning back to the dragon. As she noticed me she scrambled backwards in fear.
"What's your name little one?", I asked through the mindlink, not expecting an answer but hoping for one anyways
"St-Stella, w-who are you", she stammered
"I'm Ivy, you're safe here, I promise", seeing Lorant, she leaped upwards before she began to fly, getting her tail caught in the netting. I flew up, using my claws to cut the threads as she screeched, nearly falling before I caught her. As she looked at me in fear I simply looked back, unsure of what to say to the young dragon. As I turned to enter the house she followed, unsure of what else she could do.

Do you like the new character? I might add another one later but I still need a design. Anyone who wants can try to create one with the base if they want, just pm me a link, with name and personality

 Anyone who wants can try to create one with the base if they want, just pm me a link, with name and personality

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