Chapter 2

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So firstly, thanks to the two people reading this! We may be few in number but it makes me happy that at least a few people are spending time reading my story :)

Secondly I'm going to try updating every Saturday. The next few chapter are pretty short, but they'll get longer once we get to the actual assassination. 

That's all I have to say, so enjoy the chapter!


Thursday, October 8th

Karma stares off into empty space, nibbling on the end of a long fingernail. His thoughts are occupied by the evident confusion in Nagisa's voice when he asked why Karma's schedule had been cleared.

If it was any other friend and any other situation he wouldn't be bothered by it, but this is Nagisa. Besides the fact that Nagisa is notorious for his observational skills and should have caught on immediately, he's a natural born assassin and Karma would have expected the assassination to be first in his thoughts. Of course there's always the possibility that he just wasn't thinking clearly and Karma is being oversensitive, but he has the feeling that that isn't the case and it isn't like he could have checked with a roomful of children listening.

So now he's leaning against his kitchen counter, nibbling on his fingernail as he concludes that there are only three possibilities; either Nagisa didn't put together the assassination and Karma's schedule being cleared, he doesn't know that they're doing the assassination together, or Karasuma hasn't told him about the assassination attempt.

Karma doubts the first is true –he's learned first hand how sharp Nagisa can be– and he finds the second just as unlikely. Why would Karasuma withhold that information?

No, neither of those seemed right, which left the third reason, but why would Karasuma wait to tell Nagisa?

Karma takes his phone out and dials the number that Karasuma used to contact him. After the third ring it connects. Before Karasuma can say anything Karma cuts straight to the point. "You haven't contacted Nagisa yet?"

Karasuma sighs from the other end of the phone, briefly wondering what tipped Karma off. "I was going to talk to you about that yesterday, but you hung up on me before I could, so I figured I could tell you later."

"So what's going on?"

"I'm not telling Nagisa about the assassination until the day of."

"And why is that?"

"Two reasons. One of them is that he doesn't need that kind of stress leading up to the assassination. Other than that, I figured you'd want to be the one to tell him."

"Huh. That's awfully considerate of you. And the government's ok with that?" Despite his nonchalant tone, Karma can feel a stir of excitement within him. He gets to go on one last mission with his best friend, and some real action too, not just frightening thickheaded politicians. What's more, he gets to be the one to tell Nagisa about it.

"I'm already dragging you into this, I might as well let you tell him." Karasuma replies.

"Alright. So what's the plan?"

Target Tentacles - A Karmagisa AssassinationWhere stories live. Discover now