Chapter 4

322 12 0

Saturday, October 10th


Karma has to bite his lip to keep from grinning; now is the not the time to be teasing Nagisa. "Not alone of course. Ritsu will help and there will be Special Forces surrounding the premises in case we need a hand. But we're going to be the head of the operation."

"Karma. Explain."

Karma's mouth twitches at the command, but he obliges Nagisa. "So a few days ago teach called and asked me to take on this assassination. Basically the government recently confirmed that Mikoto Takimi, a well known public figure, has had tentacles implanted in him. They've decided that he is a threat to humanity and they've given the order to have him eliminated, and since we have the most experience and we're perfectly positioned for an assassination, we've been asked to do it."

He glances at Nagisa and finds him paying careful attention, his mind obviously working at a high speed as he absorbs the information. Karma takes a moment to appreciate the keen focus in his friend's sapphire blue eyes. Nagisa had cut his hair at the start of school, but it's been making a steady comeback and Nagisa now has modestly long hair for a boy. Currently it frames his striking eyes and adds to the general effect of intense concentration and seriousness emanating from the boy. Karma brings his attention back to his briefing.

"Our target is hosting an event this evening. Obviously I'm invited, so the plan is for us to find a quiet moment when he's vulnerable and take him out. And that's about all I know. I'm sure teach'll fill us in on the details when we get there. Speaking of which..."

Karma turns into a large parking lot and Nagisa looks around in surprise. Apparently he'd been so focused on Karma's explanation that he hadn't noticed as they came up on a large, rectangular, modern looking building. Personally it reminds Karma very much of a hospital, but maybe that's just because he's spent too much time at those, patching up after fights.

"This is the address. Teach said to show an ID at the front desk and we'd be shown to where he's waiting for us. You ready to go?" Karma tucks the car key into his pocket where it clinks merrily with the handle of a blade.

"Ready as I can be, I guess."

Karma nods and opens the door, emerging from the belly of the car. On the other side he can see the top of Nagisa's head, indicating that his blue haired companion has also exited the vehicle. Together they make their way to the entrance of the building where the doors slide open for them.

Right before they walk in Nagisa seems to remember something. He turns to Karma in panic, his blue eyes flashing with alertness.

"Karma," he whispers, "I don't have any identification on me! I thought I was just going to a coffee shop or something!"

Karma places a reassuring hand on Nagisa's shoulder. "Don't worry. I'll take care of it."

Nagisa hesitates, then nods, and they walk in.

The first thing Karma notices is the space of the room they walked into. It's a large atrium at least three floors high, and the extensive windows only make it look bigger. Tall metal columns support the ceiling and balconies wrap around the walls, lined with doors and entryways to different rooms on the respective floors. Karma has a feeling that the guard rails are made of bullet proof glass.

Uniformed people (likely soldiers but possibly scientists or any type of government worker really) walk briskly through the atrium and balconies, and while a few of them cast curious glances at the out of place newcomers, most of them don't notice that they're there.

Target Tentacles - A Karmagisa AssassinationDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora