Chapter 9: A Jealous Tiger

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After the prince left, Jasmine snapped at me. "Rajah! I can't believe you attacked Prince Ali like that. You should know better."

I growled at her. I knew plenty.

"Don't growl at me. All he did was pat me on the knee. That was no reason to try and assault him. He's the first person to notice that I am in mourning and he offered his condolences. It was very kind of him," she concluded.

I glared at her. She hadn't noticed how suspicious it all was: his smile and the gleeful way he had interrogated her. Offering his condolences had not been a mere kindness. It had been some sort of game to him and I refused to let her be a pawn.

She put her hands on her hips. "Rajah. Stop. I can't have you attacking princes like this. Father's right. We need to give every prince a chance, including Prince Ali."

I shook my head.

"I mean it, Rajah. I know you always help me chase off princes, but you can't do that right now. Alright?"

Before I could answer, she knelt down and began to rub my cheek. I chuffed despite everything. I couldn't help it. My cheeks were my weak spot.

Jasmine spoke softly as she petted me. "Prince Ali might be different," she said. "And if he is then this might be my chance to finally have the partner that I need to rule this kingdom. Someone who isn't a lecher, idiot, or domineering jerk. Someone I could be happy with. So, Please, Rajah." She looked into my eyes. "Give him a chance. For me?"

I jerked my head away with a snarl. She just didn't get it.

Jasmine stared at me in surprise and then anger. "This is ridiculous," she cried, standing up again. "You're acting like a jealous old man instead of my best friend. Prince Ali is my suitor. Not yours and right now he's been a better friend than you have."

Of all the foolish things to say...

"That's right. I said it. He actually trusts my decision-making skills. Unlike you."

I took a step back. She'd gone too far. I did trust her decision-making skills. It was her people skills that I tended to question because of stuff like this.

"If it's so shocking to you, then apologize. Admit you're wrong and let me figure Prince Ali out for myself."


I growled without meaning to.

"Fine!" she shouted. "Growl all you like. I'm not going to stand here and listen to you anymore. I'm going to the study. You can join me after you cool off that head of yours and realize I'm right."

The princess marched away.

I did not cool off. As a human, it had been so much easier to deal with my anger, but as a tiger, sometimes it was nearly impossible. I paced back and forth for hours, trying to use my human reason on my animal rage.

Jasmine thought I was jealous. Of course, I was. I was jealous of all human princes, but I was also right. I was always right when it came to these suitors. None of them were any good.

Prince Ali was a lying fool if I ever saw one. He was the latest threat in a long line of questionable princes.

Jasmine was just feeling lonely and vulnerable. She was using the smallest of "kindnesses" as an excuse to get her hopes up again, but I had seen that smile. Prince Ali was going to disappoint her just like every prince had disappointed her, starting with that drunkard Prince Nadim.

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