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The weekend was over and the girls had all returned to school. Atleast the ones that left. Ene, Daniella and Uriel went back to their hostel. Salihat and Fumilayo weren't still speaking to each other.

Daniella tried calling the two of them so they could discuss and talk things out but neither of them yielded to her call. She knew she would have to try again next time. They can't continue that way.

In the evening when Daniella got back to the hostel, she met Uriel and Ene gisting.  She joined them as Uriel continued giving them the details of her weekend at Tony's place. Her smile so wide and her face red from blushing. Uriel thought her relationship was perfect and no one could be happier than her at that moment.  Daniella went ahead and told them about Salihat and Fumilayo unyieldingness. The girls were worried too. Sighing Ene said

"We have to do something about this fast. It been almost five days now. It's no longer funny. "

"What's annoying me in the whole matter is that they're fighting all because of a guy." Uriel said shaking her head.

"What about me that they are putting in the middle. Funmi even said to me that I was choosing Sally over her. Just imagine." Daniella said frowning as she remembered what her cousin had said to her. Uriel looked surprised.

"Really! When was that?" She asked

"On Saturday o. I was speaking to Sally on the phone and she just started saying I was picking sides. I told Ene now." Daniella glanced at Ene who nodded affirming it.

" mad o " Uriel gave out a dry laugh not believing her ears.  She didn't know it had gotten to that level.  Ene stood up and started getting dress while Uriel started giving Daniella the  part of the gist she had missed.

"Babes I'm going to class." Ene announced when she was done dressing. She took her perfume and spritz a little onto her clothes and behind her ears. Uriel took in her appearance and said

"Night class abi you are going to see one boy." Ene rolled her eyes while Uriel laughed.

"Which boy?"Daniella asked.

"Ask her o. Dani I'm going to class jare  don't mind this one. " Ene said glancing at Uriel who was busy laughing.

"Bye bye read for two." Uriel through her laughter.

Ene picked up her bag and left the room. On her way out of the hostel she dialled a number. The person answered on the first ring.

"Hello, I'm on my way out where should we meet?" She asked the person.

"I'm infront of your hostel... hey I see you already." The person said. Ene looked around and spotted Jude her project mate. She ended the call and walked over to him.

"Heyy ,have you been waiting for long?" She asked smiling at him.

"No I just got here." Jude replied starring at her.  They both stood staring and smiling at each other for a few seconds not saying anything.

"Uhm....let's.. let's get going." Ene broke the little moment they had.

" yeah yeah let's go." They started walking in a kind of awkward silence.

By the time they got to the lecture theatre where they intended reading the awkwardness had long left the air. They picked their seats at the back of the room. Half an hour later they were discussing topics they had studied and exchanging snacks to keep their mouth busy.

Jude was always saying something to make her laugh and Ene enjoyed studying with him. They would read for awhile then take break at intervals. They were taking another break when Jude started asking Ene different questions in a bid to know her better.

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