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On Monday after Salihat and Uriel's afternoon lecture Uriel suggested they walked to Funmilayo's faculty which wasn't far from theirs to meet up with her. Their lecturer left thirty minutes before the time.

"I chatted with Funmi and she said she also has a two to four lecture. Let's go there its 3:45 she's almost done."Uriel said looking at her wrist watch.

"Abeg let's go to the hostel" Salihat said. She didn't want them to go to Funmilayo's faculty but couldn't say it.

"Haba let's go to law. I already told her we are coming."Uriel tried to change her mind but Salihat really didn't want to go.

"Then go on your own. It's kuku you that told her you are coming." Salihat said and turned the other way to start walking. Uriel dragged her back making her almost stumble.

"Uriel!!!" She exclaimed. Uriel held her hands.

"Sorry. Thank God you didn't fall." Uriel said and Salihat glared her.  " But we are going together. You know I don't like walking alone." Salihat didn't want to push any further so as not to raise any suspicion from Uriel. She reluctantly agreed to go.

They got to there exactly the same time Funmilayo's lecturer was leaving the lecture theatre and soon Funmilayo came out walking amidst other students wearing white and black.

Funmilayo was speaking to Amanda her course mate before she sighted her friends. She waved at them saying she was coming. Salihat hissed quietly but Uriel heard it and nudged her playfully.

"What! See why I didn't want to come. She'll use someone to talk to all her course mates before she  have our time." Salihat said. Though that wasn't the main reason she didn't want to wait for Funmilayo it was true, Funmilayo always had the habit of randomly stopping to speak to people she knows whenever they were out.

"See..she's coming already. Chill " Uriel laughed.

Funmilayo picked up her pace walking to her friends. She didn't want to get them upset for wasting their time. Uriel face was normal but Salihat was frowning. She slowed down when she was almost close to them.

"Sorry sorry" was what she first said when she got to them. Uriel nodded while Salihat didn't say or do anything.

"How far?"Uriel asked Funmilayo

"Fine jare" Funmilayo said. She turned to look at Salihat who didn't even acknowledge her presence. " Sally how was lecture?" Funmilayo asked. She knew why Salihat was acting the way she was.

"Fine "Salihat said grumblingly and Uriel nudged her again.

"Wetin de do this one ? Are you hungry?" Uriel asked but she just replied saying they should get going.

They started walking towards the hostel area. Salihat was walking ahead of two of them. Uriel just thought it was because she was hungry. Uriel and Funmilayo started gisting about random things.

"Ehn ehn why are you friends with that   girl?" Uriel asked not specifying but Funmilayo knew who she was talking about b'cos that wasn't the first time Uriel was asking.



"We aren't friends."Funmilayo said.

"Not from what I saw" Uriel made a face Funmilayo didn't understand.

"Uriel she's my course mate so of course we do talk but that's it. Besides she was just asking where I bought my bag and I told her my Mum got it for me   from her trip to LA."  Funmilayo was carrying a Louis Vuitton bag.

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