Chapter 3

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20th Dec, Sunday

There were a few things Jungkook enjoyed doing in his free time—bike rides and gaming. He had other interests too, but that's for another time. There were just too many layers to him that people never took the time to understand. Jungkook never bothered about it either. He didn't like talking about himself. If a person was genuinely interested in him, they'd make time and take the effort to know him.

That must be why he liked Jimin. The elder seemed genuinely interested in everything about him. He asked questions and tried to understand him.

He kept checking on his phone for Jimin's texts though he knew the elder won't arrive any time soon. He had enough time to start dinner. Actually, he thought they could cook together since it would give them both something to work on. It was Taehyung's idea. His best friend suggested that it would make Jungkook feel more comfortable when he had something to focus on.

Not even five minutes had passed before Jimin called him. "Hello."

"Jungkookie, I'm here. Are you home?"

"Ah, hyung. I'm in the parking." Jungkook looked at his baby. He wasn't done yet and he didn't like to leave things halfway. "Um... if you don't mind, can you come down to the basement? I'm in D-16."

"Sure. I'll be there."

Jungkook crouched, inspecting his work satisfied with the results. He was checking the clutch adjustment when he heard a low whistle.

"You ride?" He heard the wonder in Jimin's voice.

"Yeah." Jungkook beamed.

Jimin circled the bike, his grin wide. He wore a white button-down and blue ripped-jeans that fit him like a glove with a bomber jacket looking casual yet sexy. His silver hair was styled and parted to the side leaving his forehead exposed. "I used to ride all the time when I was in the US."

"That's awesome. We could go riding someday," Jungkook suggested. "I like to go sports riding in Taebaek racing park. Tae hyung also loves bike riding."

"Cool. Jin hyung loves to ride, others not much. We should plan someday. I'd love to go with you." Jimin looked around, his gaze falling on the Audi A5 sport back. "That's a cool car."

Jungkook grinned. "Thanks."

Jimin's head whipped to him. "Yours?"

The youngest nodded, shifting from one foot to the other. "I like cars and bikes."

"A man after my own heart, I see," Jimin's words echoed his previous thoughts. "I knew you're more than what you let others see. I love this side of yours."

Jungkook blushed at the compliment. "Um...I'm almost done. Just give me a few more minutes."

"Sure," Jimin just grinned. "I'll help." He removed his jacket and set it aside before rolling the white sleeves of his white t-shirt to his elbows.

Jungkook pulled his bottom lip between his teeth but handed him the tools nonetheless, softly telling him what to do. He was sure the man was no stranger to this if he owned a bike. But Jimin didn't seem to mind. They talked mostly about bikes and riding. Jimin asked him more about the riding parks in Seoul.

The youngest learned Jimin wasn't a fan of gaming. He did play mobile games once in a while, but he wasn't much into PC games, mostly because he was a busy man. But he was all ears when Jungkook told him about his love for Over watch and other games that he played religiously with Taehyung. The elder even demanded to see his gaming set up.

When they finally made their way to Jungkook's apartment, Jimin insisted on ordering takeout and watching a movie, to which the youngest agreed. He ordered the food while Jimin chose something for them to watch. They eased into conversation pretty quickly after that, talking random things the movie fading into the background.

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