Chapter 6

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"Hey guys, we have a question." Jeongguk carefully tries to interrupt them. He's a little scared of the spells they might cast on him.

Jimin looks at the vampire with a creepy smile. It's so wide that the little man's cheeks get bigger and suddenly the men around him feel the urge to squeeze them. "What's wrong? Why don't you just ask?"

Jeongguk rubs his neck and clears his throat. "I didn't really want to interrupt you two."

Seokjin laughs, it's loud and scares Taehyung and Jeongguk for a second. "Chim, they are scared of us. A demon and a vampire, two of the most dangerous creatures in the world, piss their pants over two harmless warlocks. Isn't it cute?"

"What?" Taehyung stops him from speaking and raises a hand to make it more dramatic. "We're not afraid of warlocks. It's respect we have, that's a difference, okay?" His hand drops and it comes to rest next to his hips.

"Then just ask us what you want to know. We are really curious about your explanation of why you are here in our forest." Jimin looks at them with a raised forehead and a slightly tilted head.

"Okay listen, yesterday we were captured by traffickers for supernatural beings, but we managed to escape as you can see. It led us into this forest." Jeongguk starts until Seokjin interrupts him.

"What the hell do you mean that there is someone here who captures supernaturals?" He seems to get angry just thinking about it.

Jeongguk takes a step back just in case. "I don't know exactly where they are myself. As I said, we were captured and then fled. These traffickers own a building."

"Lead us there, we have to see it with our own eyes." The taller warlock waved his hand to tell them to go ahead.

Taehyung takes Jeongguk's hand, it isn't soft or gentle. His grip is firm and if the younger one had been a simple person his bones would have probably broken by now.

"Follow us." Taehyung starts to walk and Jeongguk gives him a pouting look? Why the hell is he sulking now? "Stop it," comes softly from him.

"I didn't do anything, what are you talking about?" Jeongguk whispers back, not sure what the demon means.

With a groan, Taehyung ignores the vampire and walks through the forest, past familiar places, but never reaches the house where they were trapped. "That's strange. The same thing happened yesterday."

"What do you mean?" Jimin stops and makes everyone else stop too.

Taehyung turns around, Jeongguk does the same. "This forest is cursed or- I don't know. We always pass the same trees and even if we go straight, we go in circles? Oh God, that doesn't even make sense." The demon shakes his head, confident that the warlocks will think he's an idiot.

Jimin giggles. "Our mistake. We totally forgot about the magic. Namjoon always does this before night falls. It's for our own safety, as we have to rest too."

"Yeah, apparently he forgot to turn the spell off. Let me do it now." Seokjin adds and with a simple gesture, accompanied by foreign words, suddenly a bright sparkling light appears and spreads throughout the forest.

"Impressive." Taehyung's eyes follow the breathtaking event. "That was-"

"-beautiful." Jeongguk finishes his sentence with the same perplexed expression on his face.

"Uh, guys. You can come to your senses now." Jimin waves his hands in front of the boys' faces. "I think we lost them."

Seokjin takes a step closer, snaps his fingers and a loud bang can be heard. It scares the vampire and demon and they fall on their bum. "No, they're back."

"Was that really necessary?" Taehyung is the first to stand up and immediately helps Jeongguk up.

"Yes, it was, now please go on. We really want to know who dared to enter our area to catch supernatural creatures. They must face their rightful punishment." Seokjin looks at Jimin and receives a determined nod.

Taehyung would never admit it, but he actually feels sorry for them, wonders what they will do to the men. Well, they deserve punishment, no question about that, but he wants to be the one to do it. Even so, Taehyung would never dare tell Seokjin that. If they want to do the honor, they can. It's whatever, and he loves his life too much to lose it for something like that.

Jeongguk stares at Taehyung, can see that he is about to say something, but is holding back. Maybe he should do it instead, since he has a clue what it could be. "Mister Seokjin," kindly tries to get the warlock's attention.

The aforementioned gasps exaggeratedly. "Did you just call me mister?"

"Uh yeah?" The vampire bites his lower lip. "Was that a mistake?"

Jimin holds back a laugh. Thinking the couple are fun.

"I'm not as old as the two of you. I may look older just because we're aging. You don't, after you've become what you are, your body stays young forever. I look like your Hyung, but I'm not. Stop calling me mister..." With a deep sigh, Seokjin stops his rambling. He spoke quickly and in one breath that made his head red.

Jeongguk nudges the demon who is still standing next to him. He didn't blink in a minute. "Yah, Kim. Say something."

Taehyung frowns. "Kim?" He turns his head to look at the vampire in confusion. "So we're back to where we were before we fucked. I see how it is."

"No, I'm sorry. Old habits, you know how it is. Tae, let's not talk about it now, we have to find the house." He is pointing to a random direction.

"Yes, whatever." The demon can't stop staring at him. They have sorted it out, right? Doesn't he want to be friends with him? No more fighting, no more arguing, but more cuddling and kissing.

Jeongguk's hand finds its way to Taehyung's forehead, where the skin is wrinkled. "Stop frowning, it will make you look old soon."

Taehyung is about to complain, as a demon, he will remain flawless forever. Instead, he pouts. "You mean if I get wrinkles you won't look at me anymore?"

Jeongguk's eyes widen and he quickly shakes his head. "No! How can I stop looking at you?" Oh, did he just say that out loud? The vampire would blush if he could.

Jimin is excited about them. "Hey Hyung." He whispers to Seokjin. "Shall we interrupt them or not?"

"Yeah, I can't watch that anymore. They're so, so... I don't even know." The older warlock sighs, it hurts to see them pinning like that.

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