Chapter 10

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When we were going to pick up andrea's sister she was going to have a speacial dinner for me to meet my new family but i was lost in thoughts so i wasnt paying much attention. Will she let me call her mommy and not get mad at me? Will he let me call him daddy and not gt mad with me? Andrea snapped me out of my thoughts amd said "sweetie are you okay? Why are you crying?" I didnt realise i was crying until she pointed it out. " No im okay i was just thinking about stuff. Dont worry." when we got to the airport we parked amd walked to the arriving gate and waited for her to walk through the gate. She was wearing such a cute outfit that consisted of a red sweater, jeans, and red vans. When she saw Andrea she ran to her and hugged her and Luke. I was hiding behind andrea's legs because i was scared of meeting new people. She then saw me and looked at me with a smile on her face. She bent down and said "hi sweetie my name is Mayra and i will be your aunt." I smiled at her and said "oh, so can i call you Auntie, and my name is Marlisa." She stood up amd picked me up and said "of course you can call me auntie sweetie."

Sorry for the wait on uploading a new chapter but ive been busy. Sorry they are pretty short but this is completly new to me so please bare with me. ❤️🌸

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