Chapter 2

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*pic of Hazel to the side*

Recap: Marlisa is in the hospital with mrs. Anderson and they are currently talking about what is going to happen to Marlisa now that both of her parents are in prison...

I saw mrs. Anderson pull out a file with my name on it. "Sweetie, that's why I am here for, after you get released from the hospital I have to take you to an orphanage in Sydney, Australia." OMG I can't go to an orphanage the kids there will hate me I know it.

**(Skipping plane ride)**

As soon as I got to the orphanage all the kids there were being mean by calling me names and pushing and shoving me except 2 girls that were about my age. They came upto me and said "hi my name is Hazel and this is Bianka. What's your name?" I was really shy so I studdered when I was saying my name. Great they might think I'm a weak girl. "H-hi m-my n-name i-is M-Marlisa." They stood there smiling at me until mrs. Anderson came and told me that I had to go to the office and speak to the owner of the orphanage. When I got to the office, there was a lady with dirty blond hair, a beautiful sundress, and she had blue eyes. She saw me and said" hi sweetie. What's your name?" I was about to answer her but mrs. Anderson spoke for me because she knew that I wouldn't talk much to people I didn't know. Mrs. Anderson said, "Hi my name is Carla and I will be dealing with Marlisa's case." After what seemed like forever which was only 2 hours I learned that the lady who owns the orphanage's name waa Rosemary. She then called in the 2 girls I was talking with earlier. "Bianka, Hazel you two will be sharing your room with Marlisa. So could you please show her to the bedroom and show her around, so that she doesn't feel lost." They both answered at the same time, "Yes Rosemary."

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