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Taehyung was now packing his some shirts and stuffs that good for two days. He was smiling brightly and felt so excited to go to beach again. Taehyung then stand up after putting his stuffs on his bag as he went to his closet mirror to check himself. He's just wearing a white hoodie and denim short above the knee. Taehyung don't know but he really felt light, so happy even though he was a crying mess three days ago. Taehyung then giggles as he wipe his cheeks, finding some dirt and he was about to wipe his eyes to find some dirt again but he startled and stop when he suddenly heard a soft chuckles making him look at the side at his door and he smiles brightly when he saw his bestfriend, wearing a black hoodie and not so wide jeans.

"Ready peach?"

Taehyung then smiles widely as he nod eagerly and quickly rushed to the door to engulfed his bestfriend to a hug making Jungkook to just chuckles, wrapping his arms around the younger as he mumbles-

"I miss you" - Jungkook mumbles as he left a light kiss on Taehyung's side head making Taehyung to just felt his cheeks heat up as he smiles and pulled away to hug

"I miss you too, now let's go! I'm excited!" - Taehyung said as he giggles, closing his fist excitedly making Jungkook to just smiles, scrunching his nose as he found the younger so cute

"Come on, let's go" - Jungkook said as he wiggle his brows lightly, tapping Taehyung's back twice before he took Taehyung's bag on the bed making Taehyung to just smiles, feeling a good weird again but he shrugged it and just follow Jungkook

"Bye mom!!" - Taehyung said when they reach downstairs, reaching his mom to kiss her cheeks making Taehyung's mom to just smiles, happy that her son is now genuinely happy again, even though he don't know what is the reason why her son is so sad just days ago

"Take care son hmm? Enjoy hanging out with your hyungs and Jungkook, protect my son hmm" - Taehyung's mom said as he kiss Taehyung's cheeks too before looking at Jungkook who just smiles and nod at her making Taehyung to just smiles

"Of course mom, I always will" - Jungkook said smiling proudly before looking back at Taehyung who just felt his cheeks heating up for no reason but he shrugged it, Taehyung's mom then smiles and chuckles before she nod, shooing the boys making the two boys to just chuckles

"Okay go now shoo, I'll text my bestie and we'll hangout too" - Taehyung's mom said making the two just smiles and went out to the house


Taehyung then smiles after hearing the loud squeals from Jimin when they went outside of his house making Taehyung to just chuckles running on the park car and just hug Jimin who hugged him back too.

"I missed you chim!" - Taehyung said as he pulled away making Jimin to just dramatically wipe his tears making the others to just rolled their eyes as they chuckles

"I miss you too my baby bear, come on let's goooo!" - Jimin said as he squeals again making Yoongi to suddenly flicked Jimin's forehead who quickly yelp

"Stop squealing" - Yoongi said making Jimin just pout and the others to chuckles

"Hi hyungs!" - Taehyung greeted as he smiles brightly to his hyungs who just cooed at his cuteness, even his little greetings makes him adorable for his hyungs eyes

"Hey baby bear" - Jin said as he gave a hug and quick peck on his head making Taehyung to just giggles, swaying his paws that makes Jungkook's heart burst in so much fondness because Taehyung is so adorable in his eyes

Jungkook then leave their small talks for a seconds just to put his and Taehyung's stuffs on the back of Namjoon's car. Well, their hyungs has 2 cars and that's what they always used when they always hanging out somewhere. Taehyung then noticed there's a small set of drums on the back of Yoongi's car making Taehyung to slightly furrowed his brows as he smiles, looking at Yoongi who smiling, already know what the younger will say next.

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