The First

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"Luke, stop apologizing."

"But, I'm just so-" I cut him off before he could say it again.

"Stop. I know you're sorry. I'm not mad at you. I just wanna talk to you about it, okay?"

He nodded.

"Let's go somewhere else. Somewhere that isn't a creepy, dark alley. We can go get some coffee and I'll tell you everything you want to know." Luke said holding me tight.

I nodded and he led me to a cute little coffee shop. We sat in a small booth in the back and drank our coffee.

Luke looked at me, and gave me this look. It read go ahead.

"When did you start doing drugs?"

"When I was 14."


"It started with a cigarette. I was a freshman and wanted to look cool in front of these seniors. But looking back now, I was really stupid and I wish I would have told them no when they offered me that first cigarette."

"What was the first real drug you did? Not cigarettes or alcohol or weed."

"It was coke."

"What drugs have you done?"

"Coke, heroin, ecstasy, meth."

"And that's all?"

"There were others, a bunch of pills. B-but I was too messed up to ever remember anything."

I could tell this topic bothered him but I wanted to know.

"Have you ever tried to quit?"

He took a deep breath before answering this.

"I was clean for 29 days, well technically I still am."

Wait, does he mean? No, I doubt it.

"Jaden, I stopped the day of our first date. I never thought I would quit, but you gave me a reason to try. I'll never forget that week." He had begun to smile. "I threw all of it away after that first date. You showed me I can be happy without being high."

I couldn't stop smiling.

"I don't care if it's too soon. Jaden Grace Campbell, I love you and am so happy to have you in my life."

I kissed him.

This was the first time either of us had ever said I love you. I really didn't think he felt that way yet but when I heard those words I just felt so happy.

A guy had never made me so happy. He shuts so many people out, but he let me in. He let me see who he really was and I am so glad he did.

It has been 2 months since Luke asked me to be his girlfriend. And it had been so amazing. He treated me so different than Calum ever did and I loved every second of it.

We spent almost every day together. This was one of those days. We were cuddled up while watching some scary movie Luke picked out. He always wanted to watch scary movies. I hate scary movies. Maybe that's why he loved them. So he could hold me when I got scared. Every time I jumped or screamed he would tighten his arms around me or kiss me so I didn't have to watch.

A lot of people told me they didn't understand what I saw in Luke, they always said I was much better with Calum. But Luke actually cares about me. He made me feel safe and I never had to worry if he was going to hit me.


"Huh? What?" I said.

I was lost in my thoughts as usual.

"Sweetie, the movie is over."

"Oh, it is." I giggled as I could feel my cheeks turn pink.

"Lost in your thoughts again?" He asked.

"Is there really a need to ask?"

"What were you thinking about?" He asked curiously.

"Just you." I smiled.

"What about me?"

"How great of a boyfriend you are and how happy you make me." I smiled and he kissed me.

"You know I love you right, Luke?"

"Of course." He smiled and pressed his forehead to mine staring into my eyes.

I loved when he did this. His eyes were so mesmerizing. I could stare into them for hours.

I tried hard to keep from yawning but I couldn't hold it any longer. I had to pull away.

"Are you getting tired princess?"

I nodded.

"So go to sleep." He cuddled me closer.

My mum had been out of town for a few weeks for business. Luke and I were both really surprised when Liz said I could stay with them and didn't care that we slept in the same bed.

I honestly loved it. Getting to fall asleep every night in the arms of the boy I love and waking up next to his beautiful face.

"Okay Luke. I love you."

"Good night. I love you princess." He kissed me good night and I cuddled closer to him.

I laid my head on his chest. He played with my hair as I fell asleep listening to the rhythmic beat of his heart.

I had gotten so used to sleeping like this I honestly didn't know how I would go back to sleeping alone when my mum got home in a week.

He probably thought I had already fallen asleep. I could hear him mumbling things.

"Fuck she's beautiful."

"How did I get so lucky?"

"There are so many other guys she could be with but she chose me."

I just listened to him for a few minutes then I eventually fell asleep.

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