The Fight

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"You think you can just tell me something and I'll do it? You're so cute." he said and my stomach churned when I saw Jaden on the floor. He punched her. I could see her face already starting to bruise. I ran to her and helped her up.

"Are you okay?" I said helping her up. "What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I shouted at Calum.

He chuckled.

"Look, you already have him wrapped around your finger."

"Are you a fucking idiot? Why would you hit her?"

He laughed at me.

"Don't you get it, you twat?"

"What did you fucking call me?"

"TWAT!" He said loud and slow. It echoed through the hall.
I barely even knew this guy. Why the hell was he calling me this?

"You really don't get it do you?"

"What are you talking about?" I said confused.

"Here I'll put it in terms your dumbass will understand."

He was starting to piss me off.


"Excuse me?"

I never let anyone tell me who to hang out with, not even my parents.

"Calum you can't tell me who to be around. I'm not fucking yours."
Jaden screamed.

He hit her again, this time in the stomach where no one could see.


I fucking hated when guys hit girls. They don't deserve it, doesn't matter what they did.

"What are you going to do about it?" He said hitting her more.

I couldn't watch it anymore. I slammed him against the brick wall.

"She can't defend herself but I'm not just going to stand by when I can defend her." I said and punched him in the stomach just as he did to her. He broke loose from my grip and socked me in the eye. We continued just punching each other. Jaden attempted to pull us apart but was too weak.

Soon kids started to gather around us chanting fight.

I could tell Calum was getting tired. I punched him hard in the jaw when I felt someone pulling me away. I saw two guys pulling Calum away too. We were drug into the principal's office.

"Hemmings, it's your first day. How the hell did you manage to get into a fight?" He barked at me.

I can already tell I'm going to hate this principal.

"Well asswipe do you want to tell him or should I?" I said to Calum.

He just sat and rolled his eyes at me as the principal looked at us with a raised eyebrow.

"Fine I'll tell him. He was hitting Jaden and wouldn't stop and I wasn't just going to stand by and watch it. She's too small to possibly be able to hurt Calum the same way he hurt her so I just gave him a taste of his own medicine."

"Hood, you're hitting girls!?" He said in utter shock.

I could already tell Calum was the perfect quarterback that everyone loved and when he messed up no one could believe it.

"THAT FAGGOT IS A FUCKING LIAR!" He screamed jumping up from his seat.

"If I'm 'lying' then call her in here." I said with finger quotes as I said lying.

Calum looked at me in disgust.

"Go ahead call her in here. See the black eye he gave her. The multiple bruises he left all over her arms and legs. Even the ones on her stomach that he would be so sure no one would ever see." I said as cocky as possible.

Calum looked at me with even more disgust.

"Do it." I said smirking.

The principal picked up the intercom and called Jaden into the office. When she got there he looked at her in shock as he could see the bruises I was talking about. I stood up and leaned against the filing cabinet so she could sit down.

"Miss Campbell are these bruises from Mister Hood?" He asked still in shock as Jaden slowly nodded her head.

She didn't want to admit it but I could tell this wasn't the first time he abused her.

"Based on your actions today I have no choice but to suspend you for 1 week Hood. And Hemmings although it was in defense for someone else you have 3 days of detention." The principal stated.

Didn't bother me. I'd probably end up spending a lot of time there.


It was obvious that football was all Calum really cared about.

"I'm sorry Calum, I have no other choice." The principal said.

"Maybe that'll teach you to keep your hands off girls." I said.

"Listen here you little fucker-"

Calum was cut off.

"MISTER HOOD! THAT IS ENOUGH! DO YOU WANT LONGER?" The principal asked which shut him up. He released me and Jaden from his office and kept Calum to talk to him.

It was obvious they were closer than just a student and principal. Maybe family friends?

The rest of day passed quickly except for the last class. Of course I had to have Algebra with Calum and had to sit right behind him. Made me hate algebra even more. It seemed like he kept trying to get me to fight him again.

The bell finally rang ending the school day. Jaden and I met at our lockers. Since I start detention tomorrow we went back to her house to hang out.

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