Finding Jaden

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I forced myself out of bed and got ready for school. I walked there. Still kind of dreading seeing Jaden. I was relieved when she didn't show up. The day went by slow.

It had been 3 days since Jaden was at school. She told me before that she missed a lot of school so I guess she was okay?

It's been 2 weeks. Where has she been? I'm worried. I had already sent her countless texts. I sent another.

"Hey are you okay? You haven't been at school."

2 more weeks went by, it has now been 4 weeks and I was really worried. I skipped school and went to her house. I knocked on the door but no answer. When I started to leave her neighbor called me over.

The old man told me she had been in an accident of some sort and had been in the hospital. I rushed to the hospital. I knocked on the door once I found her room. Her mum opened it. When she saw me she smothered me with a hug. Her mum really did like me after just meeting me once.

"Luke I'm so glad you're here!" She hugged me so tight. I just hugged her back.

"Jaden hadn't been to school in weeks and she's not replying to any of my texts. I was worried." I said quietly.

"She's in there, go in. I was just going to the cafeteria. Do you want anything?"

"No ma'am. I'm fine." I replied and walked in.

She was sleeping and she looked so peaceful. Minus the cuts and scrapes and bruises that had started to fade. I was really praying they had been from a wreck or something. If they were from Calum--

"L-L-Luke?" Her voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I thought I was imagining it at first, but I looked up and she was awake.

"Jaden wh-what happened?" I kneeled beside her bed.

She bit her lip. I know she doesn't wanna talk about it.

"Please tell me it wasn't him." I begged.

She began crying and I held her tight as she sobbed into my chest.

"I-It was, wasn't it?"

She nodded her head.

"Shh, it's going to be alright. He's never going to lay a hand on you again."



"W-Why didn't you reply to my texts?"

"What do you mean? I never got any texts from you." I said confused and showed her my phone. "I sent you so many texts because I was worried about you, but you never replied."

"W-wait a minute." She pulled out her phone and showed me my contact.

"That's not my number."

She then showed me Calum's contact.

"W-Why is my number under his name?" I clenched my fist.

"That's why I never replied. I thought it was Calum texting me." She explained.

"How did the names get switched?" I asked confused.

"He must have switched your names a-after...." She cut herself off.

"After what? Jaden please tell me what he did."

"Y-You weren't at school and I walked to my locker early during lunch. Calum f-followed me."

"Then what?"

"He was talking about how you didn't have the balls to show up. I told him to piss off and he tried to apologize for everything he's done and tried to get me back. But I said no. I'm not going through that again."
"Then what?"

"He hates being told no. I could see his fist cl-clench and I tried to leave. But he jerked me back and h-he kissed me. Then I tried to push him away and he slammed me against the lockers. I screamed from the pain and fell to the floor. Then h-he began to beat me a-again."
She had begun crying. I held her tighter.

"Don't worry. He's never going to do this again. I'll make sure of it."

I could tell that she was terrified of him. That I made her feel safe. That she never wanted to leave my arms.

"Trust me. Hell will freeze over before I let him hurt you again." I kissed the top of her head and her mum came back in.

"Oh good you're awake sweetie. I brought you some food up." Her mum said.

"Thanks mum. I'll be right back. I gotta use the bathroom." She said.
I let go of her and she walked to the bathroom.

"When will she be released?" I asked.

I had something planned for when she got out.

"Tomorrow, but the doctors want her to rest for at least a day." Her mum said.

"Okay well Friday, with your permission of course, I'd like to take her out? I want to show her how a guy really treats a girl."

I valued what her mum thought of me. I really like Jaden and if her mum doesn't like me or doesn't feel like her daughter is safe with me then that could stop me from ever seeing her again.

"Of course Luke." She hugged me. "I am so glad she met you." She whispered in my ear.

We were still hugging when Jaden came out.

"What's going on?" She asked confused.

"I want it to be a surprise." I whispered quiet so only her mum would hear.

"The doctors came in while you were asleep and I was just telling Luke that you'll be released tomorrow." Her mum said.

I could see the fear in her eyes. Her mum must have seen it too.

"You won't be back at school until next week though."

Her face relaxed more and she yawned.

"You tired?" I asked and she nodded.

"I'll go so you can rest."

She began to frown.

"Luke you can stay here if you'd like?" Her mum suggested and Jaden's face lit up.

"Yeah, okay." I smiled.

Jaden scooted over in her bed, I took that as she wanted me to lay with her. I climbed in with her and wrapped my arms around her and she smiled as she laid her head on my chest. I played with her hair as she slowly fell asleep.

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