Chapter 38

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The Gall of Gammon

Disclaimer: This story is my humble attempt to write a fanfiction of the epic Mahabharata. My intention is not to hurt anyone's sentiment.

Aum Namah Shivay!!

Major Jayant Roy, SM is a fictitious character. Any similarity with any living person is merely a coincidence.

Chapter 38

Jungle outside of Kampilya City, Panchal, Dwapar Yuga

Arjun POV

"Why we are hiding in the jungle?" I hissed to my Jyesth.

From the last two days, we were camping in the Kuru-Panchal border. Today is the auspicious day for war. So, with the first ray of the rising sun, the one hundred and seven of us got prepared. We all ride on our horses, and moved to Kampilya city, but, suddenly, in the midway, Bhrata Duryodhana changed the direction of his horse. He moved towards the dense forest. His brothers and Angraaj Karna followed him, though I did not miss the shock in Karna's face.

"Bhrata Duryodhana? Where are you going?" I heard Jyesth Yudhisthir's voice. He was shocked.

"We are going to hide in the forest. You five should come with us too."

"What is he saying? Why he is doing this? My cousin is surely not a coward." I thought to myself.

"Let them hide, Jyesth." Bhrata Bheem laughed, "The five of us can easily defeat Drupad. Let him watch us fighting from behind along with that sutputra."

Karna's face became red with anger. He turned his horse towards us, but before he could say or do anything, I heard Bhrata Yudhisthir's voice.

"Bheem! Angraaj Karna is a king and an ally of Hastinapur. You should not insult him that way. Angraaj, please forgive my brother. He still needs to learn how to control his tongue."

Karna's face became a bit soft. He glared at Bhrata Bheem, then gave a little nod to Jyesth, then turned his horse again. I saw Bhrata Duryodhana, who was looking at us. His face had a sad expression.

Jyesth looked at me, and then looked at Bhrata Duryodhana.

"Ok, Bhrata Duryodhana. We are following you. But how can we face the army of Panchal in the jungle?"

Duryodhana gave us a taunting smile.

"Don't you worry, o son of Dharma. We will face the army of Panchal today."

We were silently walking in the forest. Jyesth was riding on his horse, with a thoughtful expression in his face. I went beside him.

"Jyesth, what is the reason behind you agreeing with Bhrata Duryodhana?" I whispered at him.

Jyesth looked at me. His face was calm. He smiled at me.

"There are two reasons. First, they are our brothers. We should not desert them. The second reason is Kakashri Vidura."

"Kakashri?" I was surprised. What had Kakashri to do with all of these?

"Before leaving Hastinapur, I went to him to take his blessings. He gave all of us his blessings, and told me something. Bhrata Duryodhana is a complex character. But Kakashri specially told me to observe his every single action, because his every single action has a strategy behind it. Duryodhana is more cunning than Mamashri Shakuni, my dear Arjun."

I knew that very well. I remembered that day in the royal court, where Duryodhana managed to silence all of us, including Kakashri and Pitamah. We rode silently for sometimes. A few moments later, suddenly I heard Nakul's voice.

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