Chapter 47

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The Gall of Gammon

Disclaimer: This story is my humble attempt to write a fanfiction of the epic Mahabharata. My intention is not to hurt anyone's sentiment.

Aum Namah Shivay!!

Major Jayant Roy, SM is a fictitious character. Any similarity with any living person is merely a coincidence.

Chapter 47

Kundinpuri, Vidarbha Kingdom, Dwapar Yuga

Jayant/ Duryodhana POV

"Mahesham suresham surarati nasham/ Vibhum Vishwanatham vibhutanga bhusham/ Virupaksha..."

I heaved a sigh. Today my mind was behaving like a turbulent stream. I could not focus my mind properly. To tell the truth, I couldn't even sleep properly. From the last two days, my mind was literally covered with a cobweb of thoughts.

Devi Rukmini would not get married with Shishupal. Vasudev Sri Krishna would abduct her.

"Today, he will abduct her.", I thought to myself. But what would I do now?

"You will do nothing, Jayant." Someone replied inside my head.

"Devi Rukmini was the incarnation of Devi Laxmi herself. Who are you to separate Narayana and Laxmi?"

"I know that. But, why my mind is acting like a tornado now? I am standing in the temple of Mahadev in the morning. I am trying to worship. But I can't concentrate my mind. Why?"

Suddenly, I heard a woman's voice behind me.

"If you are going to worship, then you first free your mind and thoughts, Rajkumar Duryodhana."

I turned my head, and saw a beautiful young woman standing behind me. She had a golden platter full of flowers and other sacred equipments. I looked at her face. Suddenly, some memories generated in my mind.

It was the image of Devi Laxmi which generated inside my mind. I saw a young boy, wearing t shirt and half-pant, standing alone in the local Durga Mata temple. It was the time of Durga Puja, and the temple was full of devotees. It was the biggest festival in West Bengal, and each and every local friend of mine was standing with their parents. But I was standing alone. Beside Mata Durga, I saw the idol of Mata Laxmi. The woman behind me had the same face.

"What are you thinking, Rajkumar?"

"Umm...what?" I somehow came back into my sense. Devi Rukmini smiled again. That smile calmed my mind a bit.

"Please, lower your head." She said to me.

I followed her order. She took a small flower from her platter and touched it in my head. Just like magic, I felt my mind was becoming calm.

"How are you feeling now, Rajkumar? By the way, you should inform your friend before leaving the palace. He was worried about you." Devi Rukmini mildly scolded me.

" are right, Devi. I have made a mistake."

Devi Rukmini looked at me then walked towards the idol of Mahadev. I tried to walk out from the temple, but her voice stopped me again.

"Rajkumar, your friend told me that you chant the Shiva Tandav every day. It seems that the routine is broken today. Please, come with me and chant."

I followed her command. There was something in her voice which literally made it impossible to disobey her command. I didn't know why I was feeling like that. Was it the power of Devi Laxmi or was my mind messed up?

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