Chapter 43

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The Gall of Gammon

Disclaimer: This story is my humble attempt to write a fanfiction of the epic Mahabharata. My intention is not to hurt anyone's sentiment.

Aum Namah Shivay!!

Major Jayant Roy, SM is a fictitious character. Any similarity with any living person is merely a coincidence.

Chapter 43

Hastinapur, Dwapar Yuga

Karna POV

"Mitra, I want to ask you something." I said the words to my friend, Rajkumar Duryodhana. He turned towards me.

"What is it?" He asked me with a small smile.

I heaved a sigh. How can I say those words to him? He was the only one beside my parents and brother who loved me, respected me as a warrior. He introduced me with another friend, Mitra Ashwatthama. Now I, Radheya Karna was going to ask something from him which could cause harm to him. I saw him fighting in that war and I knew that he was a powerful warrior. But my Gurudev, Bhargava Parashurama was an incarnation, an avatar of Narayana himself. I didn't know if my friend had any chance in front of him. Bhargava killed all the Kshatriyas in the world twenty one times. Mahamahim Bhishma was the only Kshatriya, who defeated my teacher. Now, that fearsome warrior, the immortal Brahmin wanted a duel with my friend as his Guru-dakshina.

Suddenly, I felt my friend's hand on my shoulder.

"What is it, Karna?" Duryodhana's voice was dripping with concern.

I hung my head.

"Mitra, I want to ask something from you."

Duryodhana was silent. But I could feel his gaze on my.

"You know that I learned archery and warfare from Sage Parashurama. I hadn't given him my dakshina yet."


I was silent for a moment, trying to master all my courage to speak these words.

"He wanted a duel with you as his dakshina."

"What?!" My friend's shocked voice entered into my ears. I was so much ashamed, that I couldn't look at him. I hadn't felt like that when my Gurudev cursed me.

Both of us stood silent for a moment. Then suddenly I heard my friend's voice again.

"Ok then, get ready for a journey, Radheya."

I looked at his face. I couldn't mask the shocking expression in my face.

"Radheya, if my friend needed my help, and I refuse to help him, then what type of a friend am I? Don't you worry; you will surely give your Guru-Dakshina."

Tears started flowing from my eyes. What have I ever done to deserve a friend like him? First, he gave me his friendship, made me a king so that I could challenge Arjun in a duel, now he was ready to fight a duel with Bhargava. He made me indebted to him. Each and everywhere I turned my eyes, I saw a favour on me done by him.

"Radheya! Are you crying?" Duryodhana said to me in an amused voice. Then he engulfed me with a massive hug. I hugged him too. My tears were now broke all barriers. We were at this position for a few moments, and then we broke our embrace. Duryodhana tried to slap my back, when I saw my golden armour came out on my torso, astonishing us both. Duryodhana lightly slapped my back on my armour. I heard a clanking sound of metal hitting metal. His body was hard like iron, or harder than it.

Then I noticed for the first time, that the tall shadow of Mahamahim Bhishma fell on us. I turned my head and saw him standing. His face was hard like stone.

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