Chapter 40

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The Gall of Gammon

Disclaimer: This story is my humble attempt to write a fanfiction of the epic Mahabharata. My intention is not to hurt anyone's sentiment.

Aum Namah Shivay!!

Major Jayant Roy, SM is a fictitious character. Any similarity with any living person is merely a coincidence.

Chapter 40

Battlefield outside of Kampilya City, Panchal, Dwapar Yuga

Yudhisthir POV

"War! The greatest dharma of a Kshatriya is fighting in a war. If he wins, then he will get glory. If he dies, then he will directly ascend to heaven." Pitamah Bhishma spoke those words to me when I came to take his blessings. Maharaja Drupad made a Chakra Vyuha, while Duryodhana made a counter plan by using mercenaries. I did not know that using mercenaries would be right or wrong, but actually, Duryodhana was technically right. Dharma prohibited us not to use the army of Hastinapur, but there was nothing said about using mercenaries. Mercenaries were not looked at high regard, due to their loyalty for money only.

Then I heard that Duryodhana was going to charge alone towards the gate of Chakra Vyuha himself. He was adamant, and then I saw him taking out a golden trident locket from his neck. Then suddenly, the locket changed into a mechanical ride. Duryodhana jumped on it, and that magical ride took him straight to the Chakra Vyuha.

We attacked from three sides. From both sides, Arjun and Angraaj were showering hundreds and hundreds of arrows on the enemy. In front of me, Bheem was smashing the enemy with little difficulty. My cousins behind us and in the opposite side were fighting well. We fought our way inside the Chakra, and quickly breached two circles. Then I saw Duryodhana, who already breached the third circle before us with the help of his magical ride.

While fighting with the enemy, I saw the banner of a chariot came towards Duryodhana. There was probably a high ranking warrior challenged him. The fighting in the third circle was tough. In the Chakra Vyuha, the weakest warriors placed in the first circle. The more you entered inside, you would face the strongest and high ranking warriors.

"Jyesth! I am going to make a gap in the circle. Before the soldiers filled that gap, we have to go to the next circle." Arjun shouted to me. I nodded affirmatively.

Arjun was chanting the mantra of a celestial weapon, but before he could release it, I heard the unmistakable sound of something cutting through the air. Then, from behind our back, someone threw an empty chariot towards the enemies in front of us.

Arjun was concentrating into invoking the celestial weapon, so he missed the smiling face of Bheem, who just made a path for us. He opened his eyes, and saw the scene in front of him.

"Arjun, you don't have to waste your weapons and energy!" Bheem's laughter echoed in the air. We quickly ran through the gap. Some enemy soldiers charged towards us, but Nakul and Sahdeva managed to kill them. The Kauravas behind us charged at the next volley of enemies, who were coming to close the gap.

"Bhrata Yudhisthir, you all charge to the next circle. We are joining you in a moment." One Kaurava, probably Shrutavan shouted to me. Three of them somehow breached the circle, and joined us. The others were fighting in the third circle. They were holding of the enemy.

Then I saw Angraaj Karna and Bhrata Dussasan, along with four Kauravas. They also penetrated the third circle. Karna ran towards us.

"Where is Duryodhana?" There was a small amount of panic in his voice.

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