Chapter 48

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The Gall of Gammon

Disclaimer: This story is my humble attempt to write a fanfiction of the epic Mahabharata. My intention is not to hurt anyone's sentiment.

Aum Namah Shivay!!

Major Jayant Roy, SM is a fictitious character. Any similarity with any living person is merely a coincidence.

Chapter 48

Warfield outside Kundinpuri, Vidarbha Kingdom, Dwapar Yuga

Jayant / Duryodhana POV

The huge golden mace was flying towards me like a guided missile. It was coming straight towards my head! At least a few seconds, then it would hit me.

In a swift motion, I took out the sword and tried to hit the mace with it. The sword cut through the metallic mace like a hot knife through butter. I looked at it with an awestruck face.

"Jai Bhagwan Dattatreya!" I touched the sword in my forehead. Then I looked at my opponent, who was looking at me with a shocked expression. In a second, that expression changed into rage. He held up his right hand and chanted something. I saw another mace generated into his hand from nowhere.

I dismounted from the motorcycle, sword ready in my hand. The motorcycle again came into my neck in his locket form. My opponent was looking at me with hard eyes. I looked at his forehead. There, I saw a tilak of a small snake.

I was startled. He was wearing blue dress. He had a mace in his hand and wearing a tilak similar to a snake. His skin was fair like molten gold. Only one person in this universe had this type of looks in this world. I need to confirm it right now.

The warrior was charging at me with mace in his hand. Then he abruptly stopped. His face had a shocking expression again. Because in front of him, he saw a warrior who put down his weapon on the ground and crossed his hands.

"What type of Kshatriya are you? Are you trying to surrender without fighting?" He shouted at me.

"I want to ask a question." I shouted at him.

"What? You want to ask a question? Kshatriyas do not ask questions, they fight in war."

"I still want to ask the question."

My opponent heaved a sigh.

"Okay, what is it?"

I took a deep breath.

"Are you Dau Balrama, the elder brother of Vasudev Sri Krishna?"

"Yes, I am Balrama. But who are you?"

I walked towards him and touched his feet. Dau was looking at me with a shocked expression.

"My name is Duryodhana."

"Duryodhana, that means the son of Maharaja Dhritarashtra?"

I nodded at him. In the whole Mahabharata, Dau Balrama was one of the finest character for whom I had intense respect.

"But, what are you doing here, in Kundinpuri?"

I told him about Druma, how we rescued him and took him to Kundinpuri and then Maharaja Bhishmaka invited me and Karna. Dau was listening with a patient face.

Then, I didn't know what came up in my bloody mind.

"Dau, will you teach me mace fighting?" I bluntly asked him then literally bit my tongue.

"Jayant, what the hell are you doing? He is the incarnation of Adi Seshnaag himself! At least, you should remember it before asking it in this way!"

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