Edge of Great Pt. 1

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Once we got home, my dad just stood at the kitchen table and sighed "Why didn't you tell me about tonight? About singing?" he asked and I shrugged "I don't know." "And you snuck out after I specifically grounded you for sneaking out... I mean, you changed, you have been reckless and again sneaking out. What has gotten into you?" my dad asked and I sighed "You really wanna know?" I questioned and he nodded "Fine, I'm the reason mom and Tommy are gone." I yelled and his face softened "Mom missed my 8th grade concert and I got mad, I told her that I hated her and next thing I know her and Tommy were gone. You want to blame someone for losing them, blame me because I caused the accident. And me sneaking out is the only time when I can just be... me... not the girl who lost her mom and brother, not the girl who died and came back to life but just Alexandria, the normal talented girl who just wants to sing." I said and he nodded then sat at down. "Honey, you can't blame yourself, you didn't cause the accident. I wasn't gonna tell you this but, it was a drunk driver that hit the car. And you can be yourself anytime, or anywhere because that's all I want for you, I want you to be the best that you can be." he told me and pulled me into a tight hug. I pulled away and sighed "There's something else I wanted to tell you too, about mom..." I said and he nodded "What is it?" he asked and I sighed "Um... nevermind it uh, it slipped my mind." I said and he sighed "Okay... you should get to bed, we'll discuss everything tomorrow morning." my dad said and I nodded.

I decided not to tell my dad about my moms secret family, he has so much going on that he doesn't need to be distracted by the thought. I got to my room and saw Reggie their "Ah... what are you doing here?" I asked and he shrugged "I just wanted to see how you were doing. I uh, heard what you said in the kitchen." he said and I looked at the ground "Yeah, getting scolded by my dad... was uh fun. but I'm okay. I'll be fine... Well, tonight was fun. Everyone loved you guys from what I saw." "Yes. But. they also loved you, that song was amazing. We make a pretty good team, you and I." Reggie said nudging my shoulder and I nodded. "Yeah we do, huh?" I chuckled, our faces inches apart and I stared up into his eyes, they were a nice dark color and I cleared my throat then looked away "I should get to bed. I uh, got a big day tomorrow in dance class." "Okay, uh good luck." Reggie said told me and quickly kissed my cheek then poofed out of my room. My eyes widened as I tried to make sense of what just happened, I laid in my bed thinking about that small kiss and I faintly touched where he kissed and smiled slightly.

The next day I got dressed then went downstairs to see my dad looking at his pictures again "The photos again?" I muttered and he sighed then rubbed his face "Sorry, yeah, I uh I've been looking at them for hours

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The next day I got dressed then went downstairs to see my dad looking at his pictures again "The photos again?" I muttered and he sighed then rubbed his face "Sorry, yeah, I uh I've been looking at them for hours. I just couldn't sleep last night." he said and I frowned and walked over to him and hanged my arm around his shoulder "I kept thinking about Alex, ha it was weird because watching Julie play with her band made me think about him. They were really good last night and the little snippet I heard from you was amazing." my dad told me and I smiled. "You really think so?" I asked and he chuckled "I know so, I remember when I was your age... one day I picked up a guitar and I just strummed it, my brother and I made our own music and then I taught you how to play. I always knew you'd become a talented musician." he said and I smiled "Oh I almost forgot, Julie's father came by, we talked it over and we thought we'd book you guys a gig... well at Julie's house in their garage and we'd have you and Julie's band perform. Flynn's helping out and so you guys can invite all your friends and Ray's gonna film your performance for YouTube." he told me and I smiled "Cool! When?" I asked and he smirked "Tonight. Sadly I won't be able to be their but I know you will be my little Rockstar." my dad said and he held out his pinkie, I chuckled then linked mine with his then he looked at his watch "Oh, look at the time, we gotta get you to school." he said and we left.

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