Not So Good Goodbyes

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My dad drove us home in silence and I was kinda worried, he really looks scared "Well, I had a great night

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My dad drove us home in silence and I was kinda worried, he really looks scared "Well, I had a great night... Alexandria, you were wonderful... You know, I do work for this music manager that might like you. I'll go ahead and give him a call." Lydia said and I smiled "That would be amazing, wow. Thanks Lydia." I said then hugged her. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow." Lydia told my dad then kissed his cheek, once she was out of the car and made her way inside her apartment my dad started the car back up then drove home "Dad? Um, are you okay?" I asked and his breathe hitched "Um, was that? ... how was that possible?" He asked and I sighed "It's a long story but I promise I will tell you tomorrow. After we get a good nights sleep." I told him and he nodded. We got to the house and my dad took out my bike "Um, I'll be right back, I'm gonna go see Julie real quick." I told him and he smiled "Yeah, I'll go make us some ice cream." "That'd be great." I muttered then walked over to the studio and waited for Julie at the door. "Hey, lex... You ready?" Julie questioned and I smiled "Yeah, let's say a proper goodbye." I said then Julie opened the studio doors, we looked around the room and I held Julie's hand then laid my head on her shoulder. "I- I know we already said this but, uh..." "Thank you, guys." Julie and I said and I sighed "You're Welcome." I heard Reggie's voice and then I heard Alex and Luke groan which we frowned "Dude!" "Julie get the lights." I told her and she nodded then turned on the lights. I saw the guys in the middle of the room by the piano and I shook my head as they coughed and groaned in pain "Why... Why are you here? I-We thought..." Julie stuttered and the boys groaned in pain as they got a really bad jolt "Guys!" I yelled and ran over to their side "No... no... I thought you crossed over." "Yeah, why didn't you cross over?" Julie and I said then the guys sat up. "I guess playing the Orpheum wasn't our unfinished business." "Point Caleb." Reggie said and I shook my head "No, he- he doesn't get to win." I muttered and Luke sighed "We wanted you guys o think that we crossed over, so we pretended to. We just... we had nowhere else to go." Luke said and his eyes were red from the tears and Reggie grabbed my hand "We thought you'd go straight to bed, both of you." "Yeah, well, I knew they were gonna come out here, but nobody ever listens to me." Alex said just before they got another jolt and he bent over in pain as Reggie just fell into my arms as I gasped "You have to save yourselves right now. Go join Caleb's club. Please. It's better than not existing at all." Julie cried and the boys got up and I just stared at the ground "Please just go. Go! Poof out! Do. Something! Please. Do it for us. Please." Julie cried and I looked up at her with tears going down my cheek. "We're not going back there." Reggie said breathing heavily and I stood up and pulled Reggie close to me and hugged him. "No. Music is worth making, Julie, if we're not making it with you and Lex." Luke said and Alex walked over to me and Reggie "No Regrets." Luke said and Julie just lunged in for a hug and hugged him.

"I love you, guys." Julie muttered and I smiled but it faded when I realized that she actually hugged him, I looked at Reggie and Alex and Luke began to glow "How can I feel you?" "I- I don't know?" Luke told her and Luke held Julie's hands then turned to us "I feel Stronger..." "Alexandria? Alex, Reggie, come over here." Julie called us over and we all group hugged and they began to glow too. Reggie frowned "I- I don't feel as weak anymore." "Yeah, me neither... Not that... I was ever that weak." Alex said and I smiled, the boys groaned and I frowned as I saw the boys grab their wrists and the stamp Caleb put on them disappeared "What do you think that means?" Julie asked and I shrugged "I think the band is back." Luke smiled and I looked to Reggie and Alex sighed "You guys think we could try that hug thing one more time?" He asked and I nodded "Yeah, I'd like that." I muttered and Reggie smirked "Me too." He added and we pulled each other in another group hug. I laughed no suddenly my wrist stung "Owe!" I yelled and I pulled away from everyone "Lex, what's wrong?" Julie questioned and I shrugged "I don't know, my wrist just... I- I don't feel to good." I muttered loosing my balance then I fell to the ground but Reggie caught me "Alexandria!" The boys and Julie were all by my side and my vision blurred "I-I need my dad." I let out before all I saw was darkness.

A/N: This is a short Chapter, I know but... I have an idea and I just hope it's goes nicely with season 2 when we get one.

Beautiful Melody- Julie and the PhantomsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt