Wake up

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Hollywood, 1995

Sunset Curve was rehearsing for the biggest night of their lives to perform at the Orpheum, one 13 year old boy in particular was watching the band next to a girl who was a little bit older than him

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Sunset Curve was rehearsing for the biggest night of their lives to perform at the Orpheum, one 13 year old boy in particular was watching the band next to a girl who was a little bit older than him. The band finished and the girl cheered while the boy clapped "That was amazing!" "Hey, bro." Alex smiled as he hugged his younger brother. "You guys were awesome!" "He's right, you guys are really good." the girl said and the four boys smiled "Thank you." "I see a lot of bands. Been in a couple myself. I was really feeling it."

"That's what we do this for. I'm Luke by the way."

"Hi, I'm Reggie!"

"Alex. And this is my younger brother Charlie." The drummer introduced and the young boy smiled "Hey."

"Bobby." the guitarist interrupting Alex and the girl smiled "Nice meeting you guys. I'm Rose." the girl said and Luke gave Bobby a wet willie. Reggie pulled out a CD and smiled "Here's our Demo. And a T-shirt size beautiful." he said and the boys looked at him awkwardly while the girl laughed

"Thanks. I'll make sure not to wipe the tables down with this one."

"Good call. Whenever they get wet, they just kinda fall apart." Alex said making his little brother laugh "Yeah, I tried that the hard way. One time I wore it to bed and the next morning these bozo's threw a bucket of water on me to wake me up." "Don't you guys have to go get hot dogs?" Bobby pointed out and Luke smirked.

"Yeah, he had a hamburger for lunch." "Charlie, you coming with?" Alex asked and his brother sighed "Sure but I already ate, so I'll just sit back and watch." Charlie said and they made their way out the backdoor of the club and into the alley of sunset boulevard, not knowing that the last memory of his brother was talking about his dream of making music and sharing it with his future kids.

Los Angeles, 2020

Alexandria's POV

I walked down the hallway and everyone waved "Hey Alex!" "Morning!" I called out then stopped at my locker opening it right when my friend Julie came by with her head down and wearing a cap "Hey Jules, still trying to keep your head down?" I questioned and she looked up and smiled "Hey Underachiever!" Flynn yelled walking over to us.

"Hey disappointment!"

"I will never get you two." I chuckled and Flynn sighed "OK, I know you don't want me to ask, but have you figured out what you're gonna do today?" "I'll know in  the moment." Julie told us and I grabbed my music binder. "Really Jules? That's what your giving us?" "Mrs. Harrison said this is your last chance." I added and Julie sighed "I know. I was there." "See you at the rally!" I heard and we turned and saw Carrie, my long time best friend since birth.

"Ugh! What is she handing out?"

"Desperation?" The girls said and I sighed "Carrie's not that bad... Carrie!" I smiled as Carrie came over to us with a stack of paper "Alexandria! Here you go. My group's performing at the spirit rally tomorrow." she said and smiled "I'm sure you have nothing better to do. Alex, I still have room for you in the group, with you there, Dirty Candy would be flawless." Carrie told me and I sighed "Jee, I wish I could but with school, my music, and helping my dad with his music academy I'm very busy. I'm sure Dirty Candy could manage with out me." I said and Flynn smiled "Oh my gosh, Carrie. Thanks." "Oh my gosh, Flynn. Don't bother coming!" Carrie said and turned to me "I'll see you there!" she cheered then walked away. Flynn crumpled the paper up and I cleared my throat "Okay, she might need a little help to guide her but I promise you deep down she means well." I told them and I saw Julie smile at Nick which made me chuckle. "Nick?" "Still. You know they're going to get married and have a bunch of unholy babies." Flynn said and Julie rolled her eyes "Nick's a sweetheart." "You'd actually have to talk to him to know that... And only one of them would have to be a demon to make a demon baby." Flynn told her and I shook my head "Demon!" Flynn yelled and Carrie turned around then the girls jerked my torso towards the lockers, us three snickered and walked to music class. We watched everyone perform and it was finally my turn after Nick, I walked up to the front with my violin then I turned towards the class. I looked to Julie and Flynn who was smiling and giving me a thumbs up "Whenever you're ready." Mrs. Harrison told me and I nodded, I started playing and I thought of my mom and dad when we'd use to play all together and sing.

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