I got the Music

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I spent my weekend with Julie and the boys writing songs and I snuck them into the music academy to record the songs which was so fun, Reggie and I even made a few songs together which sounded amazing

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I spent my weekend with Julie and the boys writing songs and I snuck them into the music academy to record the songs which was so fun, Reggie and I even made a few songs together which sounded amazing. I had my headphones in walking through the hallway listening to me and Reggie's song which I just had to dance to it, I met up with Flynn and she frowned "What has gotten into you today?" Flynn asked and I took out my headphones "I just had a good weekend, what's up?" "Does this have to do with the guys?" Flynn asked and I smiled but I saw Julie walkover to her locker dancing and she had drumsticks in the back pants pocket. I frowned then walked over to her as one of the marching band students came over to get his drumsticks back, I chuckled and cleared my throat "Hey, Julie." "Hey, what's up?" Julie asked us and we chuckled "Nothing. It's just nice seeing you back to your weirdo self. You too, Alex." Flynn said and I smiled "Thanks." "So how's the band? Still hot? Still talented? Still... dead?" She asked and Julie chuckled "Amazing. Luke and I spent the whole weekend writing songs." "Oh even me and Reggie wrote some too." I said and Flynn smiled. "Come on. You wanna hear some of them?" "Duh?" Flynn muttered then we went to the music room, on the way we told her about how it felt good to write music

"Like it was flowing through me like when I used to write with mom. So, this is the first song Luke and I wrote... here's a bit of the chorus." Julie said and she opened up the piano and started playing 'Great'. "It's something my mom and I were working on. Luke and I finished it. Check it out." She said and sang 'Stand Tall' "That's beautiful. And my girls got a crush and his name is Luke." Flynn said and Julie frowned "What? No, Luke's a ghost." "A cute ghost." Me and Flynn said and Julie smiled "With a perfect smile." She said and we both smirked "Ha! I knew it! Just remember he's made of air." "Cute air." Julie told us and we sighed "Just don't get hurt, OK?" I told her and Flynn nudged my arm "Um, you too. You and Reggie seem close." "What? Reggie and I? No! We- we just write songs together." I said and they nodded. "You guys obviously have a connection and it's weird that you and Alex kinda look alike. I mean, you can be related!" Flynn told me and I scoffed "We don't look alike. What? No." I nervously chuckled and Julie and Flynn both frowned "You even act alike too. It's kinda freaky." Julie said and I sighed. "I... I have to tell you guys something." I said and I opened my backpack and grabbed the photo of my dad and the guys and showed it to them "My dad showed me this yesterday." I said and the girls' eyes widened "Is that?" "Alex, Reggie, and Luke with my dad. Yeah, you guys were right. I am related to Alex, he's my uncle." I said then fiddled with my fingers "Woah, so have you told him yet?" Julie asked and I shook my head. "No, not yet." "You have to tell him, he has been searching for his brother ever since they appeared in the studio." Julie told me and I nodded "I will." "Well... besides that shocking news, everybody's wondering when you'll play again." Flynn said and me and Julie frowned "Play again? We don't even have anything planned. Luke and I have just been focused on writing songs, while Reggie and Alexandria has been doing their songs." "Lucky fr you two, your marketing team has Ben way ahead of you." Flynn said and I was confused "We don't have a marketing team." Julie told her and she held out a flyer which I grabbed and showed I to Julie "Yes, you do. You're playing the school dance tonight, and I'm DJ-ing too. Oh and I got you a place to perform before the band. I posted it all over social media." Flynn said and Julie's eyes widened "You guys have an excellent marketing team." "No. No.This is in front of the whole school." Julie said and Flynn's phone buzzed. "Sorry, you already have 68 likes." Flynn said showing us her phone and I turned to. Julie "Is it not different than performing at the sprit pep rally? C'mon, Jules... live on the edge. Live...on the wildside." I told her and I got an idea.

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