Withered Rose

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I feel as if I am worth nothing and my only purpose in life was so people could view me as if I'm a beautiful painting on the wall for someone to walk past and gaze at for a half a second before they move on to the next painting. But I look at myself instead as a withering rose soon to become nothing but skin and bones. The truth is that I am a human, though I do not view myself as one. I view myself more as a robot, made so I can do as people tell me just living the same day over and over again as if I am stuck in some sort of cycle that is impossible to break out of. People will ask if I'm ok and I'll say I'm fine when really I feel suffocated and I'm dying inside cursing at my differences and hating myself for existing in a world where I feel like one grain of sand on a beach full of other pebbles who's life holds more meaning than mine. Finally when I'm done crying out my tears that hold my thoughts and fears I hope and I pray that they would go away and leave me to be the beautiful painting on the wall, the beautiful red rose stained with the remains of all human emotions and become the robot that I was destined to be from the beginning and become okay with being just another grain of sand.

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