My Skies of Blue and Gray

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The birds soar high
And as they fly
The people cry
To my skies of blue and grey
They paint her feelings into sculptures like clay
Betrayed, she forgave, because she also has her eyes on my skies of blue and grey
As she lays
She thinks please stay
But of course they walk away
They portray her as prey
But everyone has their eyes set on my skies of blue and grey
So who can blame them
Their stems are like fire
Burning everything in their way
To get to my skies of blue and grey
They'll never get to my skies of blue and grey
I'd keep them at bay
Every single day
And they'd obey
Because they're my skies of blue and grey

It's a short one, but I hope you enjoyed my little rhyming poem. This book doesn't have many reads yet but thank you to the people who has read it. It means a lot to me! I love nice feedback, so feel free to point out whatever mistakes I have made, it makes my book even better! I also enjoy reading comments, so don't be a silent reader and tell me how you liked it!


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