Kylo must have heard some of the noise you were making because he came out of his office and found you standing by your things. You couldn't help but notice the pained look on his face.

"Leaving already?" His voice was soft, not as booming as it usually is. You searched his face for more but found nothing.

"Yeah I should get back, I still need to pack before I leave to go home for Christmas." Now it was your turn to see his face fall. Had he forgotten already that you were leaving for a few days?

"Right," he said, "well I'll make sure Elliot picks you all up and takes you to the jet. When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow. We wanted to have a few days before Christmas." Whether he wanted it to be seen or not, he looked so sad. You wished he was coming with you so you could do all the fun Christmas things your hometown did during the week, even though he would probably hate every minute of it. You know he had said he had work but what would be the harm in asking again.

"You're still welcome to join us," you said, closing the distance between the two of you.

You saw him consider it for a moment. Spending Christmas with you. A million scenarios playing throughout his mind at once. Thinking of a million ways it could go wrong or a million ways it could go right.

"No, it's ok I'll be working anyway." Your heart sank. You knew he would say no but for the briefest moment, your hopes were high. You thought maybe, this time he would say yes.

"Ok well...well then Merry Christmas Kylo," you said standing on your tiptoes to place a kiss on his cheek. Just as your lips left his cheek he turned towards you, capturing your lips in his own. You couldn't even put into words how he made you feel. Unexpected kisses had to be the best kind. His lips were warm and inviting. Your tongue slipped in to graze his own, deepening the kiss. He tasted of a smokey bourbon and you knew he had been drinking. He often did that when he was stressed or had a lot on his mind.

When he broke away your forehead rested on his own as you took in steady breaths. You didn't want to leave, you wanted to stay in this moment forever.

"Go," he whispered. You weren't sure if he said it because he knew you didn't want to go or if he said it because if he didn't, he'd hold you there forever and you'd never leave. You took one last look at him before grabbing your things and walking out his door. You knew you'd see him soon and that leaving him wasn't permanent but he had become like a drug to you. You were so addicted to him, to his touch, to the way he made you feel. It was hard to give him up even for a moment.

Elliot brought you back to your apartment. Suddenly the place you had called home for years didn't feel like home anymore. It was dark, cold, and missing him. You had told Poe, Finn, and Rey to just stay over at the apartment since you would be leaving early the next day. Plus you figured having more people in your apartment would somehow put your mind at ease if anyone tried to break in again.

"Ok everyone," you started, "I have some news." Everyone stopped what they were doing immediately to look at you.

"So we won't be driving tomorrow." As the words left your mouth, you knew they had no idea where you were going with this.

"What do you mean we're not driving?" Poe said, "how else do you expect us to get there."

"Well...Kylo is lending us his jet." Every single mouth in the room dropped. You couldn't blame them. You had the same reaction when you found out.

"Oh, he's just casually lending us his JET!" Rey couldn't help but share her disbelief and excitement.

"I can't believe I'm going to be flying in Kylo Ren's private jet!" Finn was stunned, it was like Kylo was really famous to him or something.

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