To Live For the Hope of it All

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Well, here it is my loves, the final chapter of Well-Bred! I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I hope i've given you and this story a well-deserved ending. Thank you all for coming on this ride with me and my apologies for taking as long as I did. Thank you for leaving comments and for sharing how much you love this story with me. I've had this ending planned from the beginning so i hope you love it as much as i do! And who knows maybe there will be an epilogue if you all want a little more 😏






The day was gloomy and the wind whipped around the bare trees making the air colder. Kylo stood still as a statue, letting the snow dance around him as it fell. The snow usually gave him a sense of comfort. The silence it brings and the soft way it falls and stills everything it covers. But today it did not give him those feelings. Today, it just soaked him to the bone and reminded him of how much he's grown to hate the silence. How he'd become so used to having her with him, that the silence is only a reminder that she was not. His eyes ached from the lack of sleep and burned from the number of times he had to rub the tears away from his eyes.

The past few days had felt like years. His mother was staying at his penthouse, constantly checking on him to see if he was okay. She would bug him to eat until he finally had something to fill his stomach. She tried to coax him into watching a movie or talking through things but his bed always seemed to provide more solace. It still smelled like her.

His mother was being strong for him when she didn't have to be. But her support, even if he didn't want to admit it, was helping him. He couldn't deny that a part of him deep down felt comforted by his mother's actions. He'd thought about the things a mother would do for her son for so many years in that dark basement, for the years after too. How she would care for him, kiss him better if he fell and scraped his knee, how she would be a friend to him when the kids at school would pick on him. It felt good to have her around more regularly even though it took these circumstances for it to happen. It was obvious that her attentiveness towards him was also a way to distract herself from the sadness and grief she was pushing deep down. But he knew he couldn't let her face all of it alone.

He had to be strong.

The whip of the bitter wind brought him back to reality and out of his thoughts. The mahogany casket lay before him ready to be dropped into the ground. Leia stood beside him, arm wrapped around his own. He almost needed her to keep him upright. His jaw clenched, and his hands balled into fists as he watched the wood get lowered into the ground.

This was all his fault. He should've been more careful. He would never forgive himself for this. Because of him, they'd never have the time to learn more about each other. They'd never get to share stories and make up for the time they had lost before.

Once the casket was rested on the dirt floor of the grave that was dug, the preacher said a few words, and we were given the opportunity to toss a handful of soil onto the coffin. The tradition is to symbolize that the deceased has returned to where they came from. But to Kylo it just solidifies the fact that this was truly the end. A life had ended because of his stupid mistakes. An important fucking life. He couldn't stand here any longer. He needed to go. The sight of the wood in the ground just reminded him of everything he did wrong.

He kissed his mom on the head and whispered, "I'm sorry," before walking back to his car. He was covered in snow but right now he couldn't be bothered by his cold and damp state. He was numb to any feeling.

He put his car in drive and raced off, not looking back.



Well-Bred  {Kylo Ren x Reader}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat