Your Epilogue

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A few months later...

You'd been staring at yourself in the mirror for several minutes now and you couldn't seem to move your legs in the direction you needed to go. You were frozen in place, eyes locked onto the person who stood before you. You. How far you've come in the past months and how happy you've been. You truly couldn't believe you were about to do this. There was a time when you thought the idea of this moment would never happen for you. You always dreamed of it, but reality always seemed to crush those dreams. Until now. This was real and you needed your legs to move because you'd never been more excited to start a chapter in your life than you are right now.

You took a deep breath and walked out of the dressing room. The scent and echo of the studio were all too familiar. The flashing of cameras and the hum of the equipment running felt like home in a way. Kylo stood in the center of a colored sheet, moving to get the right poses. It brought you back instantly to the first time you'd walked in on this scene all those years ago. A day that truly altered your life...for the better. But this time you weren't the photographer. This time you would be in the photo too.

Kylo's face lit up and not from the shine of the bright lights pointed at him. Lately, when his eyes met yours, his face changed entirely and only happiness radiated from it. You walked over to stand beside him and he gave you a panty-dropping grin. His arm wrapped around your waist as he tugged you closer to his side. You smiled and said hello to your co-worker who was shooting for you today at the same time Kylo was whispering into your ear.

"Mm, I love seeing you in white. It might be my favorite color on you."

You smacked his shoulder playfully and he laughed, catching your wrist gently. His hand moved from your wrist to hold your fingers, tilting your hand so he could get a good look at the absolute rock that sat on your finger. It sparkled in the light and you couldn't help but smile big as he admired it. He was always doing this. But you knew he wasn't admiring the beauty of the ring but rather it sitting on your finger. Signifying that you are his forever. And you wouldn't want to spend the rest of your life with anyone else.

After you'd recovered and things settled down, Kylo had bought the ring. He knew he didn't want to wait another second to make you his, permanently. You both knew it was right. You'd been through so much together and even when you were apart you were both longing for each other. You didn't want to spend the rest of your life with anyone else.

Kylo whisked you away, back to the restaurant you went to in Vermont. He had rented the entire place out and when you walked in there were roses and candles all along the walkway. By the time you reached your table, Kylo had gotten down on one knee, said some beautiful words that made you sob, and asked you to spend the rest of your life with him. He barely got the question out before you were screaming "yes." You had your first meal as an engaged couple and it was just as delicious as the last time you were there. It was simple, yet meant the world to you because he did it at the place that held such a special meaning to the both of you. Vermont was the first time you really started to get to know one another. When you saw the kind of man Kylo hid deep below his cool exterior. The kind that cared. He told you he wanted more that night. More than just the simple arrangement your relationship started out as. He asked you to stay, showing just a sliver of vulnerability by allowing you into his space and to sleep in his bed. It gave you hope that someone could love you. And he did. He does.

Everyone had been ecstatic at the news. Rey and Finn were already joining forces and finding all the wedding inspo to start helping you plan. Your mother was in utter shock, she still might be, but obviously incredibly happy for you both. And your brother...well, Poe was acting all tough and making sure Kylo understood his threat if he ever tried to hurt me again. It had been exciting and when the news broke to the public, you were getting phone call after phone call from the press asking for a story. The two of you took matters into your own hands and decided to get ahead of the stories that might misconstrue your relationship.

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