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It had been the perfect holiday. Something he hadn't had in a very long time. For a long time, he had forgotten what it felt like to be in a loving home for the holidays. The very few times his parents had been around for them, they had made it exciting. Those were the memories he tried so very hard to cling to. Unfortunately, they slipped away easily. Replaced by the horrible ones of him being in a cold, dark basement, shivering, and wondering when his Uncle was going to march down the stairs and beat him. Going home with her and being accepted by her family and friends reminded him of what he had forgotten.

Now that they were back in the city, he was focused on keeping her safe. They hadn't really discussed the attack at the Winter Gala and he certainly couldn't talk about the horror he felt walking in on that. She was so fucking strong. You knew she would've put up a fight if she had seen it coming. That's who she is. Instead, she did her best to shield herself as the kept...kicking and punching. He had wept at the sight of her bloodied and bruised and wept in her arms at the thought of losing her for good. He never showed that kind of vulnerability but it was easy with her. She didn't make him feel weak for showing it.

He had talked to Rey on the flight back about how dangerous being in the city was for her right now and she agreed. She had thanked him for keeping her safe and going the extra mile to do so with the security. She didn't blame him for the Gala attack and some part of his mind eased at that. She had mentioned that she could plan a girls weekend getaway, to get them out of the city for a bit if he needed to put other plans in place. He agreed that might be best.

As much as he would miss her while she was gone it was for her own good. Rey had told her earlier today about her plans to take her on a little getaway. She had come home from work and excitedly told him of the plans. He couldn't have been happier to see the smile on her face. One that was without hurt or bruises and without suspicion. He didn't want her to feel like he was trying to get her out of the city. He didn't want her mind on Snoke and the danger he presented at all. She shouldn't have to worry about those things. It was his fault she had to.

As he stood in the doorway of his room and watched her pack, he realized just how far he'd go to protect her. To keep her breathing and happy. When all of this started with her, he was a different man. Closed off, cold, disconnected. Those traits were what helped him survive all those years ago and they never went away when he was finally free. He wished he could go back and be the man he was now at the start. She hadn't deserved that version of him. Yet, she had stuck around. Still to this day he's not entirely sure why. He was an ass to her and she deserved better than that. He still doesn't think he deserves her even now, and she certainly could do better than him, but it is important that he makes her happy. He knows why he feels that way; he just can't seem to tell her that.

She notices his staring and smiles at him. That smile. It could melt any bad mood or feeling he had in an instant. She stopped what she was doing and walked over toward him. With each step, he could feel his heart beating faster. This fucking woman. If only she knew what she did to him. She might use it to her advantage. That thought in his head brought him back to when she had him tied to the bed and made him beg her to come. It put a smirk on his face that he didn't even realize showed.

When she finally got close enough, she wrapped her arms around his waist and looked up at him with those beautiful hazel eyes that mirrored his own.

"What's the smirk for?" She asked and quirked a brow.

He laughed and watched her face twist into a playful pout, the one face she knew he could barely resist.

"I was just reminiscing, kitten."

"Oh? What were you reminiscing about, handsome?"

He studied her for a moment, just soaking in all of her perfect features. How could she ever see anything but perfection when she looked at herself? He may think this question to himself but he knows, better than anyone, how the mind works and how it distorts and disguises.

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