Tricks or Treats

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a/n: just some warnings for this chapter. There are mentions of vomiting (from being drunk) and y/n isn't approving of a man touching her back.



You had left Kylo's penthouse, tears forming in your eyes but proud of yourself for walking out when he wouldn't give you an answer. Despite your feelings, you needed to stand up for you. You were warned about catching feelings in the beginning. Rey had told you. But you thought it'd be different. You tried so hard to push those feelings aside but the more you did the deeper they got.

It was hard for you to put into words the way you felt about Kylo Ren. He was attractive obviously and of course, the sex was amazing but it was so much more than that. To an outsider, it might seem odd that you had grown to care for someone who didn't really seem to care about you. But they don't see him as you do. There were times he did care for you, in his own way. And it was the little things that you fell in love with. Those things you would notice in someone you had a crush on, someone you don't really know, that only made you fall for them more. You fell in love with the way he smelled, the sternness of his face. The way he would answer the door every night and how you saw some of the tension leave his body when he saw your face. The way he would always run a hand through his hair because of that one strand that constantly fell in his face. It was the small peeks into his life, when he showed the tiniest bits of vulnerability. It was the way he felt under your touch.

The moment he had placed your hands on his chest it had felt like you just plugged something in and a spark of electricity caught your fingers. You had felt his own body tense at the intrusion. Your heart raced, you could feel the blood pumping through your veins. You had never felt that before, never had such a connection to someone that you found difficult to explain. But you had tried to have a serious and much-needed conversation about the future of your relationship/agreement and he had said nothing. He couldn't even give you an answer. And as much as it hurt, you needed to walk out of there. Once again you were left to wonder if what was between you was now over and you hated it. You hoped that if you would give him time, he might think about what you said, and call you to talk it out but that hadn't happened.

Your phone buzzed pulling you from your thoughts. It was Rey.

"Hey babe," her excited voice rang through the phone before you even had the chance to say hello.

"Hello to you too," you said sarcastically, "What's up?" you responded. You knew she started filming today so you were a little worried as to why she was calling you.

"Would you want to come to set? It would mean so much to me to have you here plus it's so exciting and I have no one to freak out with." She paused, you could hear her holding her breath as she waited for a response.

"Yes of course I would love to, that sounds so exciting!"

She hung up and texted you the address. You quickly got changed in your favorite pair of leggings, booties, a long vest over a sleek, black turtleneck, and a cute hat. The office was closed for the next two days so you didn't have to go in, which was nice. You could use the long weekend, especially with Halloween a day away. The filming location was closer than you anticipated so you figured you'd walk and take in the beautiful fall day. Fall was your favorite season. Right smack in the middle of summer and winter. It was cool enough to start wearing your favorite comfy clothes but warm enough that you didn't have to dress in layers just to step outside. Today was one of those perfect days. The sun was shining, warm on your face while a nice cool breeze complimented the heat.

You were on set in no time and you saw Rey in the distance looking down at a script walking in small circles. She was practicing her lines in her head, you had seen her do this plenty of times before. You blended in with the crowd that had formed trying to see the action. You didn't want Rey to see you and get too excited before she had to shoot a scene. You saw her move into position as the director shouted "ACTION."

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