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You threw yourself into work. Though you were exhausted, it was the only way to keep you from running back to him. You weren't going to deny that you missed him but you hated that you did.

Your days were long and when the time came for you to head home, you were ecstatic. You had no time for leisure activities. You often came home to shower and eat then immediately found solace in your bed, falling asleep.

It was finally Friday and you were so glad to have this weekend free. You were supposed to leave for Chicago in the afternoon and spend the weekend there working but the trip got canceled. As you left work you thought about all the things you'd like to do during your relaxing weekend. A bubble bath and wine were both musts.

You entered your building and began climbing the stairs to your apartment. When you stepped foot on the landing you couldn't believe your eyes. The door to your apartment was wide open. You knew Poe wasn't home since he was with Finn so, you were unsure what was going on. You slowly and carefully entered your apartment. It looked like a tornado had blown right through it. Broken plant pots scattered the floor, drawers were opened, and the floor was littered with everything and anything that must have gotten in the way of whoever did this.

"Hello? Is anybody there?" You were cautious as you knew this had to be a break-in. You made sure not to move or touch anything as you searched the house making sure no one was there.

You pulled out your phone and called the police to tell them what happened. They were quick to send a squad in to investigate. You texted Poe and told him what was going on. He tried calling but you were busy explaining things to the investigator. When he finally arrived he was just as shocked as you were. He pulled you into a big hug making sure you were ok and praising the gods above that you were both safe.

"Who would do something like this," Poe said worriedly. "Did you notice anything missing?"

"No, nothing obvious at least, but then again I haven't really looked," you replied. Your anxiety was soaring and a million thoughts threatened your mind. How could you feel safe in your own home anymore? The investigators were asking you hundreds of questions and your mind couldn't keep up. You couldn't stop thinking about what would've happened if someone was home. You were just grateful that wasn't the case.

You felt your phone buzz in your pocket and pulled it out. Seeing the contact name made your heart sink. Now was not the time. You excused yourself from the officer asking you questions, relieved to be out of that interrogation and picked up the phone.

"Hi Kylo, I'm sorry but I really don't have time right now," you said quickly to get your point across. You hoped he didn't think you were avoiding him but you really couldn't talk to him right now.

Like always he was observant. He noticed the shakiness of your voice and knew immediately something was off, something was wrong.

"What's happened." He was stern trying to mask the fear in his own voice.

"There was a break-in at my apartment. The police are here now and need me to answer some questions." You looked over your shoulder at the officer who waited patiently for your return. Poe was talking to another in the corner while pictures of the mess were being taken and black powder was being dusted over items throughout your home to find any trace of fingerprints.

"I'm coming over," he said abruptly and hung up the phone. There was no way for you to tell him not to bother. No way to tell him not to worry. But deep in your heart, you were glad he was coming. You needed him right now whether you knew it or not.




You didn't realize the trouble Kylo would have to go through to get to you. The police had the whole building blocked off and those who were not residents couldn't enter. But he was persuasive and managed to get to you quicker than you anticipated.

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