05 - Uncertainties to come

Start from the beginning

"Hello?" she says, then sighing loudly as she hears his voice.

"Hi, love. Uh, am I late? It's almost 1 and I just—I wanted to hear your voice before I go back. Have you had lunch already?" Jimin speaks softly, leaning against the metal railings at the rooftop while Sungwoon sips on his black coffee next to him.

"Hey, uh yeah we're just about to finish. The meeting ended well?"

He nods, "Yes, it did. Sungwoon here just made the deal and they're pushing through with the program."

Jeongyeon gasps, covering her mouth then grinning excitedly as Haeun chuckles at the sight of her.

"Really? Wow, congratulations! Tell him to treat us to dinner, will you? Anyways, can you check up on Tae and see how he's doing?"

She hears Sungwoon's laughter as he yelled in the background, "Jimin got an increase in his salary, he is treating me to dinner!" and she giggles while gripping on the phone tightly.

Jimin laughs alongside him, stopping right when he hears Taehyung's name. He hasn't been in contact with him as well, and only Seokjin knows what went on but he's been busy too.

Nonetheless, Jimin nods, thinking of surprising him with beer after work, "Yeah I'll call him, don't worry about it. By the way, who are you having lunch with?"

"Haeun's here, we're having sushi," she replies, smiling over at the woman stuffing her mouth the rest of her remaining sushi, leaving enough for Jeongyeon.

"Okay, that's good to know. Alright, I'll see you tonight then."

Jeongyeon smiles, just her husband's voice completing the rest of her day. She whispers, "Right, I love you," and blushing when he said it back in his accent.

She hangs up, turning around and sliding her phone down the pocket of her suit. Haeun gulps down her juice and lays on her back.

"I feel single," she states plainly, rolling her eyes as she rubs her stuffed stomach. Jeongyeon giggles, munching on her food as she recovers from her state.

"Anyways, going back," Haeun clears her throat, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Just—keep a safe distance from him. I know it's not the best advice because their sinful desires should never be our responsibility but,"

Jeongyeon shrugs, staring far ahead in silence.

Haeun mutters, "He's our boss, and we both know getting fired is the last on our list. I mean, we are women after all, the rumors are there and even if it could be true, we don't have the power to get rid of him. Unless, you're willing to take the risk because I would want to, but only if I have someone to help me."

Jeongyeon turns to her, heart beating rapidly. She wiggles her brows at her and she smirks.

"Wait, are you serious?"

Haeun jolts up, hands in her pockets as she stares down at her.

"And if I am? Will you help me then? It's okay if you don't, but if we choose to stay silent then I'd rather leave this place and find a job somewhere else."

Jeongyeon thinks of it carefully, something reminds her of all the hard work she pulled off to get to where she is right now, but then when she lifts her head and sees the picture frame on top of the bookshelf a little far on the corner, she feels a lump in her throat.

Her stomach churns, and her heart hammers in her chest as she casts a look on Jiyeon, that candid photo of her on her first day of primary school.

(Completed) Tomorrow, With You • Jeongyeon x JiminWhere stories live. Discover now