14 - Here to stay

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Sometimes we won't know

The road that we'll face

But we'll get where we're going

Even if we're late

When the darkness of the night strides forward, Jimin intertwined his fingers with Jeongyeon, leading the way to the small cabin sitting by the rocks near the shore.

The sky's covered with stars that twinkle above, and the moonlight that seems so close yet so far. Jeongyeon widens her gaze at the beauty in her vision, tightening her hold on his hand with a soft smile on her face reaching her glistening eyes.

Jimin glances to his side, heart warming at the sight of her watching with utmost curiosity and excitement, as if it's her first time seeing such a view.

There's a campfire out the front of the cabin, outdoor folding chairs for two, and containers filled with food and drinks. A hammock that has the perfect view of the sea is hanging safely on a tree and a post, catching Jeongyeon's attention once she turns her body around to see where they're staying for two nights.

Everything's well-arranged, no other travelers are around, both of them has the entire place for themselves. Jeongyeon shakes her head, her smile growing into a wide grin. 

"Wow, who did all this? There's no way you-"

Jimin raises a hand on his hip and shrugs, "I did, though. But of course someone helped me."

"You're kidding, right?" Jeongyeon creases her brows, crossing her arms.

Jimin bites his lip and nods, stepping towards her, "I'm not. I really did it myself. That's a pro when your boss at work is also your friend. It's easy to file for leave and all that."

Jeongyeon props herself on the hammock, resting her back with a heavy sigh, "You really need to stop using that friend card on Sungwoon, you know?"

He follows her, sitting next to her and wraps his arm around her shoulder. Jimin brings his face near hers and snickers, "Speaking of which, weren't you the one who just used the friend card to Haeun and asked her to go to Taehyung's? We're the same, actually."

She laughs, slapping a hand lightly on his chest, laying her head on it after, "Well, you're not wrong!" Jeongyeon gazes far at the sea, the light coming from the moon causing ripples on the water.

"So, this is going to be our view once we move here?" she asks, and Jimin nods, trailing his eyes to her with a soft smile. "Yeah, you should get used to it."

"I am used to it. I stayed more on the beach than in my house when we were kids. And you practically was raised in the middle of the sea, like a mermaid."

Jimin chuckles, tracing circles around her arm. "We're fishes, or if chicks and ostriches could swim we're-" she cuts him with a yelp, causing him to erupt into a fit of laughter.

"Don't you dare go there, Jimin. I'll kill you!"

"You won't do that," he mutters, standing up to go and prepare their dinner, and Jeongyeon jumps off the hammock, running behind him.

"I can do it, so I will if you don't shut your mouth," she retorts and sits on the chair watching him pick out packs of meat and vegetables from the cooler.

Jimin rolls his eyes, placing all the ingredients he needed while she bears him a look with her elbow on the armrest of the chair, the other on her lap. 

(Completed) Tomorrow, With You • Jeongyeon x JiminWhere stories live. Discover now