The grumpy middle-aged man turns on his heels with his son and marches to his car behind and leaves. Grandpa turns to me and Eva as we try to stifle our laughter. He cocks a brow at us before shaking his head.

"You've put on weight," He chuckles

"Hey-" I whine

"That's good. You finally let Kikyo's words go, guess Hisoka's a better impact on you than I thought, though, I will ask, how did you gain it? You've always been careful of what you eat, even if half the time its junk food," I have a fairly certain idea of how I gained the weight, and if I say it, both Hisoka and myself are as good as dead. 

"Uhhh, I don't know," I smile nervously hoping he doesn't see right through my lies. 

"You remember I was your age once right? And that I had a wife as well," the small smile forming at the end of his lips lets me know it's exactly what I think it is. 

"Oh god, why would you put that image of you and grandma in my head, gross," He chuckles.

"I'd suggest you tell Silva it's just because you've been stress eating since Leon passed. It's not a lie since I've seen you walk around the house with a bottle of whipped cream casually emptying it into your mouth, but it also ensures he doesn't try to kill Hisoka," Man I love my grandpa. 

"Fair enough," I shrug. 

"Eva, I assume Illumi has been treating you well?" Oh, I'd say more than well. 

"Yes sir, he has," She giggles with a blush. 

"Please, Zeno is fine, or you can call me grandpa like (Y/n) does." He smiles at her sincerely. 

"Thank you," She bows respectfully. 

"I don't think I'll understand how that boy managed to hold onto you but, I am thankful. I expect to see you both at the family dinner tomorrow," FUCK.

"About that... I have a mission to take care of," I try to half lie my way out of this.

"It can wait. You know the rules. Once a month everyone home will come to dinner. No exceptions," FUCKKKKKK ME. 

"Fine," I huff defeated. 

"Good, now I have to go, see you girls tomorrow," He disappears leaving Eva and I standing outside the gate just gazing at the sun as it descends along the horizon.  

"Do you wanna go get some food and some drinks?" She offers breaking the comfortable silence between us. 

"I'm game, let's go," Portaling us to town, we roam around through stores and bars as well as arcades just spending time together like we did the first few months we met. 

I don't remember what time we left home, but it's midnight. And we're about to try and sneak back into the house with 15 shopping bags. Portaling the stuff into the basement, we decide to go in through the back porch since it's almost never shut. We did be nice and pick up food for everyone, except we didn't expect to come back this late.

"And where have you two been?" A voice startles us from the kitchen. Turning around, both Hisoka and Illumi are sitting at the island with drinks in their hands staring at us with their arms folded over their chest. For some odd reason, they're both fully dressed in sweatpants and t-shirts.

"You left me with the pillow, again," I should be intimidated, but instead I have the urge to bust out laughing, a trait I need to work on.

"Well, it was your choice to hug the pillow thinking it was me," I answer with the most straight face I could muster. I fail miserably. He gets up and walks toward me.

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now