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Entirely exhausted, Hisoka lets me lay on the couch while he changes out the sheets for me.

"I never knew you could squirt," He chuckles coming out of the bathroom with new sheets.

"Neither did I," I sigh looking up at the ceiling above me.

"Aren't you going to heal yourself up?" He asks standing behind my head.

"My cards are still recharging and I'm too tired to do the water manipulation method," I huff reaching up to cup his face in my hands.

"Do you want me to bring up dinner and we'll just go to bed after?" It is getting late anyway, I'm surprised no one's home yet either.

"Yes, absolutely," I chirp grinning up at him. He kisses my inner palm and leaves the room.

Reaching over to grab my phone from the coffee table, there's two missed calls, one from Illu and one from Eva, and also s text from Illu;

We're taking the kids out for the night, we'll be back around 10.

Oh, guess we still got an hour before they get back. Flipping through the channels on the tv, nothing really catches my eye.

"The only thing I could find was some leftover pizza, that alright with you?" Hisoka comes back in with two plates in his hands.

"yeah, sure," I try to sit up but my body's not having any of that. Fuck. He chuckles and comes over to me placing both plates on the coffee table. He picks me up bridal style and sits on the floor putting me between his legs so that I can relax into his body. I reach forward and grab our plates handing him his. Once we finish eating, he decided to put me back on the couch and lie on my stomach with his body between my legs,both of his arms hugging me while my hands run through his hair idly.

"Oh, I almost forgot, I brought you back something from our last mission," He gets up and goes into the closet before coming back with a small purple box. He gives it to me and goes back to lying face down on my stomach. "You can open it you know, it's not something terrible," He chuckles kissing my stomach lightly.

"Please tell me it's not a vibrator," I'm a little skeptical about this 'gift'

"Do you want one?" He raises his head to look at me with a sly smirk.

"No," That's partially a lie. Opening the small box, it's a pair of hair clips similar to the gummy bear ones I bought but these have kunai on them. Speechless isn't even the word to describe how I feel. "I love them," I mutter with my eyes still admiring the small black and red clips.

"I knew you would," He mumbles into my stomach tickling me.

"C'mon clown, you're falling asleep, let's go to bed," I open a portal under us since he doesn't show any signs of moving from this position. Sure enough, he doesn't. At least not much. He simply rolls to lie on his back pulling me in so that his head is on my boobs, my leg on his chest, one of his arms under my side, the other over my leg. One of my arms lie under his head while the other's around his neck.

Did I not turn the AC on? It feels like a sauna. I try to move my body but my attempt proves futile, my body's still beyond sore. Stirring from my sleep, Hisoka's sweating under me, his body completely restless. Oh no, not again.

Holding his head close to me, I start playing with his hair humming the tune from mom's music box softly into his ear. It takes a while but he calms down and goes back to sleep comfortably. Sigh. How long have you been going through this? I hate the thought of something tormenting you like this, but you don't want to talk about it.

I don't want to force you to since I know how hard it can be. But at the same time, I thought we would have gotten to a point where you would tell me since the first time. You know what, Tomorrow I'm taking you somewhere, maybe you'll feel a bit relaxed afterward and it'll help.

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora