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Portaling the traitorous pigs' remains to my hounds, I drop to my knees letting the tears flow as I stare at the lifeless bodies before me. The anger and rage subdues, pain and anguish replacing them.

Everything was going fine. We were going to rebuild the clan with their help, now they're all gone. My mind's gone blank as I scavenge the empty void searching for an even a glimmer of an answer of what to do now. 

"We have to give them a proper burial, it's the least we can do for them," Eva squeaks out, her voice barely a whisper. "I texted the boys, they're waiting for you to portal them to us," Not even able to pick my hand up, I somehow manage to open one behind me, I hear the footsteps against the loose gravel, but I can't bring my body to move. 

This isn't how it was supposed to go. I was supposed to show the evidence we collected to the clan and get them to agree to banish or execute Uncle J for his crimes of smuggling firearms and drugs using warehouses under the clan's name. They were supposed to tell me the ways they thought I could help them. I was supposed to make the little ones a waterslide with my water manipulation and play with them in the stream.

It wasn't supposed to go this way. 

Granted I didn't know any of them personally or remembered most of their names, they were still family. This family was all I was holding onto. It was the last piece of dad I had. Now what? I've failed him. 

My body's lifted off the ground. It takes me a second to process that Hisoka's holding me bridal style against his body. He walks over the stairs not too far away and sits with me on his lap wrapping his arms around me resting his cheek against my forehead. No matter how hard I try I can't look away from them. I wanna cry but I can't. My body and mind don't seem to understand emotions. I just feel...numb. A hand intertwines in mine, but it isn't Hisoka's. It's slender. Able to finally pry my eyes away, its Illumi's hand wrapped around mines. 

"Do you want to cremate them or bury them?" He mutters out.

"We should cremate them, it's tradition after all," Eva squeaks out, her voice barely audible. 

"And what of their homes and belongings?" Illumi adds

"Burn them. All of it. Leave nothing behind," My mouth mutters for the first time since I went into shock. Their belongings hold secrets of the clan that can't get out to anyone else. It needs to look like they never existed to begin with. 

We did what we had to. The boys cremated the bodies while Eva and I set all 15 homes ablaze watching them crumble before us. This clan has strived for countless generations. I haven't been in power a year and I've managed to let everyone die. How Pathetic. 

Not a word spoken between us, we head home and disappear into our rooms. One hell of a day huh. 

Climbing into bed in my sweats and hoodie, I curl up into a ball staring at the balcony. Hisoka's body blocks my view, the bitch moving my body to the center of the bed so he can climb in then pulls me into him putting my leg over his stomach holding me tight against him. 

"Can we just stay like this forever?" I mumble into his t-shirt.

"As long as you want," He kisses my forehead, his hand drawing circles on my back and thigh. 

"Please, don't leave me too," I cry softly into his shirt, my hand holding onto the soft fabric of his shirt tightly.

"I'm not going anywhere, ever" I bury my face deeper into his side letting everything out quietly. A foreign weight on my back gets my attention. Turning around, Roman, Reya, and Athena are behind me. How did I not feel the bed shift?

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt