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"What exactly did you do to them?" He asks pulling away from the hug but keeping his arms around me.

"A new trick, the thread of fate. I can set my own conditions for the wearer, and depending on my emotions towards that person the thread can have negative effects or positive ones. Can I?" I ask gesturing towards his hand. He nods and lets me take it in mines. The glowing purple thread starts to form around his wrist.

"No matter where you go, or who you fight, no matter if they're stronger than you or not, you'll always recover fully, even if they kill you, you'll revive quickly. These are the conditions I set" The thread glows brighter and brighter around his wrist tying itself together seamlessly. The light fades away and a thin seemingly weak purple thread is around his wrist like a bracelet. 

"This way, you'll be able to experience the full thrill of the fight, but always come back to me in one piece, if you think about it, we both win," I chuckle running my fingers along the back of his hand. Fighting strong people is something he loves, and I can't take that away from him. However, it gives me peace of mind knowing he'll come back to me at the end of the day

My phone goes off from the nightstand, but as I turn to go get it, Hisoka grabs the back of my neck and turns me back around to face him, slamming his lips onto mine, his hand still gripping the back of my neck. I try to pull my head back, but it's no use. His grip on me is keeping me in one spot. I try biting his bottom lip in hopes he'll let go, but the motherfucker starts moaning. Is it bad I wanna continue this? "Babe, I need to go get my phone, it could be important," I blurt out between breaths. Yeah, he's not letting me go anytime soon, time to switch tactics. One kick to the balls and I'm free to go see who has been messaging me. 

"Why do you choose that pest of an object over me?" he whines coming behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, snuggling his head into my neck.

"I don't, but it could be important. I can't just ignore everyone because I don't like talking to people anymore, even though I really wanna go back to the time when I could do exactly that," The bright screen appears, my eyes immediately go to the image attachment. Holy shit. "Babe-"

" I know where it is, I'll drive" He lets go and walks out of the room.

"I'll get Eva and Lulu," I Portal to E, and luckily Lulu's with her and the girls. "You two, let's go, girls, please behave, we'll be back soon" Amane's always lurking around so I know she'll throw an eye on them, however, they are quite a handful. It sucks being the receiver of my own childhood antics. How did my parents not try to duct-tape me to a chair or something? The three of us rush outside to the jeep and pile in. With all limbs in the vehicle, Hisoka pulls off and speeds through my portal that saves us significant time, and down the dark simply lit streets to the location. I almost forgot it was night time. 

"What are we after?" Eva shouts from behind me. I hand them my phone with the messages from dad. "Remember when I said someone was tryna set me and Hisoka on fire a when I was on that mission in York New 2 years ago? Seems dad found them as well as who they work for. Sure enough, they're connected to the people behind our most current mission. He found them trying to plant a Poor Man's Rose in a heavily populated city," I explain to them as Hisoka swerves in and out of highway traffic.

"So why drag Hisoka and I along?" Don't kill him, you love him. Don't kill him, you love him. 

"Because we're a package deal,  scary demon, and the three musketeers!! " Eva chirps wrapping her hand around my neck and her other hand around Lumi's arm. 

"Who's the scary demon?" Everyone goes silent... Oh. I'm the scary demon. "I want to disagree with you so badly, but I can't," We get to the center of the city where dad said he's waiting for us. Coming up to his location, it's a large luxurious apartment complex. It's as tall as Heaven's arena. Must have the same amount of stairs as well. How horrifying. You do not want to be stuck in the penthouse when the elevators are broken and you need to go to the store. It's hell unless you have a portal or something. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now