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"If being an assassin doesn't kill me, all these family secrets just might," I sigh as another poor bottle of iced coffee goes to waste. Man, I hate it here. Good coffee going to waste, my own demons coming back to haunt me, family secrets about relatives I never knew existed. What else you got for me universe?!

"We heard glass shattering," Illumi and Hisoka come running into the kitchen ready to fight.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it," Dropping to the floor, I anxiously roll out the rest of the roll of paper towels to absorb the coffee. Red starts to stain them, no doubt from the cuts in my hand. Why can't I feel it? Why is the only thing I feel is the warm red liquid dripping onto the paper towels? What if I just-

"Hey, you're zoning out," Back in the moment, somehow Illumi's crouched onto the ground in front of me helping to clean up the mess. Get it together (Y/n) it's just the meds talking. That's all it is. " Reya!" He yells. The light footsteps running from the living room. 

"Yeah Uncle Illu?" He still lets her call him uncle, how cute. 

"Could you heal (Y/n) please," For someone who hardly shows emotions, I can tell he's slightly agitated. "Go, I'll finish clean up," I simply nod at him and walk to the other side of the island where Eva is sitting, plopping down on the seat next to her as Reya starts healing up my arm. A pair of eyes seem to keep their steady gaze on me, and I know exactly who the owner is. He's standing in the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. He's mad. You don't need to be a genius to see that. 

Reya works her ability on me, healing me up in no time. Guess healing is still her forte. As she's finished, I thank her and portal into my office.  Eva will know to meet me up here, it's the only other place I'll be. Rocked back in my chair just gazing at the high vaulted ceiling above me, it hits me. AUNT LYNN!! I accidentally rock too far back and end up falling over in my chair. Ow. Now, where's my phone?! Shit, it's back in my room. Wait, did I even shower yet? It's hard to tell since I wear the same thing around the house 99%  of the time. Portalling back downstairs, I hop into the shower and throw on a pair of black wide-legged comfy trousers and a cropped fitted black t-shirt. Where I got these pants is a mystery to me. A lot of my clothes sometimes surprises me. 

Okay, now, where's that phone of mines? I start on the bed and make my way around it leaving no pillow unchecked, no blanket unturned, and...wait a second. I'm dumb. Portaling to Eva, I grab her phone from next to her and use her fingerprint to unlock it then dial my own number. Portalling back to my room, the faint ringing from under the bed lets me know exactly where it is. Ha. found it. I return Eva's to her then portal back to my office to call aunt Lynn. The last time I had contact with her was for dad's funeral. She has tried to reach out to me and get closer, but I turned her down, in retrospect, I regret that decision now. After a few moments of antagonizing ringing, she picks up.

"Aunt Lynn, we need to talk," 

It didn't take much to convince her to come over. She said to portal her to me in the next hour or so since she has one more patient to see about for the day. Guess I should go pay a visit to my parents. I promised myself I'd go there at least once a month, and since I didn't go since the funeral, I owe it to them. First I gotta grab something from the kitchen. We buried Dad on the same day as Mom's death anniversary, right next to her. It's what he would have wanted. Their tombs are at the farthest end of the mountain. Hidden and protected. 

Setting the glass down on the tall tombstone and pour some of his favorite scotch into it then pour one for myself as I find a comfortable spot on the lawn under me to sit. For a while, I just sit there in silence swirling the liquid in my glass just staring at it.

"Even from beyond the grave you're a pain in my ass aren't you," I scoff. "Yet, I'd do anything just to hear you yell at me just one more time. Even just a slap behind the head, anything," The tears build up at the brim of my eyes, slowly descending my face. " Is that why you went into the dark world Dad? To find your brother? Was it because you felt the need to go after him? Look at me, talking to a grave. I know you're happy dad, you found Mom again. You're with her and you're happy, so why do I feel like my heart's been ripped out? If you're looking down on me old man, tell me, what the hell am I supposed to do? Your brother's tattoo is the same as someone we interrogated for tryna kill me, so what now?" My phone starts buzzing in my pocket bringing me back to shitty reality. It's aunt Lynn. "Yeah?" I mumble into the phone

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now