December 10

222 11 9

1:19 am


Santana startled at Mercedes' desk at the obnoxious Merry Christmas and glared across the room to the radio on the filling cabinet.

"Sorry! I was just practicing. I don't want to surprise anyone with a bad Merry Christmas when it comes. Hopefully you feel the same way and you'll sing along to the next song with me."

"Bah, humbug" no, that's too strong
Cause it is my favorite holiday
But all this year's been a busy blur
Don't think I have the energy

Santana adjusted her reading glasses so they rested on the top of her head and took a deep breath. She reached across Mercedes' desk for her pad of paper and bit the cap on top of her pen - Mercedes' pen - in concentration. She had spent a good part of the night going through the National Register Bulletin and how to apply for evaluation. It hadn't been easy. The PDFs looked like they had been scanned from a bulletin printed in 1983. Half of the time, the pages didn't load or only partially loaded and then there were a dozen links that contained pertinent information. No matter what Santana wrote down, it was becoming clear that this website would only take her so far. It wouldn't gift wrap an application or point her to the exact document she would need for Hummel's Bed and Breakfast.

She slid her glasses back down over the bridge of her nose before she wrote down a few more documents required. She scribbled: Historical Person of Significance.

Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas
Couldn't miss this one this year
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas
Couldn't miss this one this year

Santana glanced back to the radio. Did DJ Snowflake have to insist on playing the most nerve-wracking and annoying songs in the entire Christmas catalog? The refrain repeated another five times before Santana started chewing on the back of Mercedes' pen again and looked back to the filing cabinet.

The song finally ended and Santana released a breath of relief. She had finally found a comfortable position in her chair where she could reach her notes, mouse, keyboard, and her coffee. As much as she would prefer not listening to Snowflake abuse the repeat policy for the DJ's favorite ten Christmas songs, Santana found it hard to keep her eyes open without something annoying playing in the background.

"So, listeners, as you know, today was the big release of The Berry Best Christmas Album: The Definitive Christmas Edition. Unfortunately, I couldn't be there, but I heard it was a great time put together by Roz Washington. I also heard that Roz's Golden Pump tried to give out a special album collection - part of a limited series, the winner mysteriously disappeared before they could collect their prize."

Santana leaned forward over her yellow lined paper into the computer screen and clicked on one of the links to the National Register Bulletin, document 16a for registration.

"So until someone calls in with a request, I am going to play every Rachel Berry song from every album - including the deep tracks; starting with It Came Upon a Midnight Clear."

Santana tried to tune out the music as best as she could and continued to jot down notes.

"Now Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. Unless you want to be the first person to dial 1-800-SNOFLAKE."

It was harder to focus on the screen when DJ Snowflake played the fourth consecutive Rachel Berry song. Santana dropped her pen and pad to the desk and stood up. Fuck it. She walked past the radio on the cabinet and out of Mercedes' office. The hallway was dark expect for a few emergency lights that glowed over the exits and around the base of the floors. It was only her third night at the town hall, but Santana could easily navigate the dark halls without turning on the lights. While she had enjoyed Mercedes' visit the other night, she didn't want to get in the habit of people calling her best friend to check on the town hall.

DJ Snowflake and Scrooge | BrittanaWhere stories live. Discover now