December 8

227 13 1

9:57 pm

"I just think if I am going to be the official Christmas show host, then I should be the one working tomorrow, Holly." Brittany walked into the sound booth and glanced to the digital clock on the wall. They only had about three minutes to argue and she had gotten nowhere with her friend and boss.

"Britt, I don't know what you want me to do. I can't switch you to tomorrow morning whether you've called yourself the Christmas show host or not because at this moment, in the middle of December, every host and DJ on WMHS 97.3 is a Christmas one!"

"Come on, Holls!" Brittany threw her hands up and pointed to a picture of Sue on the wall of the studio. "You're telling me that Sue is DJ-ing a Christmas show? She hasn't played one Christmas song yet! It's ruining the whole Christmas spirit."

9:59 pm

"I can't do anything about it, Britt. Tomorrow's release is scheduled during her time block and Roz Washington didn't specify if she wanted you. It's Sue's name on the flyers and she's the one who's going to be hosting. My hands are tied." Holly frowned. "I still can't justify putting you on in the morning or even the afternoon."

"How about the Annual Tree Lighting? It's not during either of our blocks. Who's doing that?"

Holly's eyes glanced up once more. Brittany followed her line of sight back to the clock before sitting down and adjusting the headset over her hair. The look on Holly's face said their conversation would be shelved for the rest of night.

10:00 pm

Brittany let it go. It wasn't the right time and she had listeners to entertain. Her voice instantly lightened and her smile returned in full force. "Alright my high flying, night sky loving, reindeer riding friends. Welcome back to another late night Christmas time show with your favorite DJ - DJ Snowflake. I'm here to bring you all your favorite music hits and fill any requests you might have."

A light flashing on the display stopped Brittany's introduction midway.

"Before I can even start the show, we've got our first request of the night!" Britt hit the button. "Hello caller you're on the air with DJ Snowflake!"


The voice on the other side of the line barked with agitation. Britt instantly recognized the voice. It was her mystery caller from the past two nights. In truth, this woman was the only voice she heard at night besides Holly.

"Woah! That's not a very festive language." Holly gave Britt a signal that she was going to delay the conversation feed by a second. "I won't tell Santa on you, but you're on the air right now so maybe you shouldn't broadcast your naughty mouth where Santa can hear you." Britt paused - a playful thought danced around the corners of her smile. A flash of excitement ran over her as she realized Holly wasn't going to cut this woman off as quickly tonight. Curious, Brittany changed the subject back to her caller. "I think I speak for all of our listeners when I ask what's your name?"

"All of your listeners? So you mean me? Cause I'm the only one listening to you and I already know my name so I'm not that eager to share it with you. Also I didn't want to be on air. I was trying to get to your office, but since it's 10 o'clock, no one's there to pick up my call. So if you could just patch me through to the voicemail of your boss that would be great. And you'll never have to hear from me again."

Every word cut through the sound system like a dagger. Brittany cringed. Holly wrinkled her brow and shrugged.

"I hate to tell you that I can't forward you to our office extension until you make one song request." Brittany prompted. Everyone had a favorite Christmas song - well Brittany had about 100 and then some.

"Listen, Snowflake."

Britt's eyes widened.

"Patch me through to the north pole to Santa Clause or Mrs. Claus or the Abominable Snowman or whatever you call your boss. I don't care. I just want to talk to whomever is in charge of you."

Brittany giggled with genuine amusement. "I definitely don't work for any of those people. That would be silly!"

"Fine. Who do you work for?"

"Holly Holiday of course! Everyone knows that." Brittany's eyes lit up. "So that means you must be from out of town! What are you doing-"

"Holly? Holiday? Are you #%$-ing-"

Thanks to Holly's magic fingers with the feed, she was able to beep most of the word.

"Naughty mouth..." Brittany whispered softly into the mic as if reminding the other woman that Santa could hear her.

"-kidding me? And you thought me asking for the Abominable Snowman was ridiculous? Is that even a real name? Holly Holiday? What kind of scam is this? Snowflake, I want to talk to your manager!"

"I need a song request."

"Holiday! I want Holiday's voicemail."

"You only get Holiday when I get a song request."

"Not happening."

Britt glanced to her boss. The blonde shook her head vigorously no. Well that answered that.

There would be no manager available tonight!

Holly approved and drew her finger across her neck to cut of the call. She dropped the call without a good-bye or poor excuse this time.

"This next song is going out to our Scrooge caller! Maybe next time we can both get what we wish for, but until then-"

Happy Holiday
Happy Holiday, happy holiday
While the merry bells keep ringing
May your every wish come true

The sound system between the two booths clicked on and the room filled with Holly's laughter. Britt twisted in the swivel chair and kicked her feet in the air. Holly laughed so hard she was wiping tears away from her eyes. "You called her Scrooge and dedicated a song with my name in it to her! What were you thinking? If she ever gets a hold of my voicemail, she might break it with complaints."

"So it was bad?"

"Oh my God, no! It was perfect!"

DJ Snowflake and Scrooge | BrittanaWhere stories live. Discover now