December 9

249 11 1

9:15 am

After another sleepless night and an early morning wakeup call of Rachel Berry boxes from Kurt, Santana needed a break from the bed & breakfast. She got into her rental car for a drive. In retrospect, it could have been a bad idea since she really only knew how to navigate two roads. And yet, after twenty minutes of aimlessly turning down streets, Santana had found what she was looking for.

In full daylight and without any wintery overcast, Santana could clearly see the sign.

Roz's Golden Pump

It was a strange name for a gas station, but nothing should have surprised her anymore in this town.

Santana was dying for coffee and perhaps some conversation from someone other than Kurt or Burt. Maybe that Sugar chick was working. Santana glanced to the still unfolded map on her passenger side seat. She did technically pay for the worthless thing, but it was weird having it sit there doing nothing. And it wasn't like she was going to use it any time soon.

Maybe she could return it?

All thoughts of returning the map vanished as she drew closer to the gas station. Cars, lines of people, and signs flooded the parking lot. If Santana didn't know any better, she would have thought it was was a line for a concert. People were jumping and hugging each other excitedly for whatever was going on inside the gas station store.

She honked her horn emphatically and slowly inched the rental car into the lot and found parking at the far side. Santana forgot about returning Sugar's map and started to seriously doubt she would be able to enter the gas station, much less get a cup of coffee. She wormed her way through the lines outside and entered the even more crowded gas station store. The bulding was filled to capacity with excited people in their heavy coats and hats waiting for something expectantly. Townsfolk crowded all of the aisles holding papers and receipts. They were all frantically trying to get closer to the counter.

"Don't touch me." Santana maneuvered through another throng of people and forced herself into the corner of the gas station store in the opposite direction of everyone else. It was the only place in Roz's Golden Pump where there was some breathing room.

"Move. I got here first." A woman bumped into her from behind. "I need to be at the front. I pre-ordered on the first day it was released! There is no reason I should be back here!"

"Move?" Santana swiveled around to confront the woman and give her a piece of her mind, but she was already gone and moving through the crowd to the front of the store. Santana raised her voice at the woman. "Yeah. Good fucking morning to you too!"

Despite trying to ignore and avoid every around her, Santana could still hear portions of conversations happening throughout the store.

"I just can't believe they are releasing all of her albums together in one collection."

"I pre-ordered the first day so I bought them on vinyl. It comes with a lithograph!"

"My nephew did that. I was too late and I had to get the three cd collection with a poster."

Santana decided she didn't want to know what was happening. She wanted her coffee and to get out of the Christmas zombie land happening at Roz's Golden Pump. There was still hot coffee on the burner. Santana grabbed the closest cup to her hand and quickly poured the coffee to the brim. No sugar. No creamer. She wanted to get out of the store as soon as possible.

The music in the gas station cut out. It was replaced by a different feed and came from a different source. "Alright, Midtown citizens-"

Santana stood on her toes to try to peer over the crowd of people.

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