Minho // The Second First Kiss

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A pounding headache woke you with a start. Gasping for air you looked around at your surroundings. Tall, grey walls covered with ivy were on all your sides and sunlight streamed from above. You ached all over, inspecting your body you saw scratches and bruises and most worryingly, tiny needle marks were scattered all everywhere. Your fingers mindlessly brushed over the marks on your legs, causing sharp pains to shot up them. You let out a yelp.

“Hello? Is anyone there?” The unknown voice startled you.

Unsure of what to do you sat in silence.

“Hello? Is that you Doug? This isn’t funny.”

The voice was closer this time.

“H-hello?” Your voice was croaky but you were sure the person heard you as there were footsteps approaching you. “Please don’t hurt me.”

A shocked looking boy slowly approached you. He was tall and muscular. “Woah. A girl?”

You almost snorted at the statement.

“Who are you?” He kept his distance, walking in a circle around you.

“I-I can’t remember. Where am I? Who are you?” You tried to get up but collapsed back down. The boy ran to your side. “And why do I hurt so much?”

“I’m Minho. And we are in the maze. How did you get here?”

“I don’t know, I just woke up here. The last thing I remember is…” You shuddered at the thought. “There were these huge blob like creatures with metal arms. I tried to run but they caught me.” Tears started to stream down your face as you relived the night in your memories.

“Grievers.” Minho shook his head. “Did they sting you?” He started pulling wildly at your clothes.

“Hey! Watch what you’re doing!” You pushed him off. But he had already seen enough.

“You’re stung. You’re coming with me, you need help.” He got to his feet, hooking one of your arms around his shoulders.

“Hey, where are you taking me? Where are we going?”

“To the glade. There is help for you there.”

There wasn’t another word said between the two of you until you approached the doors that led to the glade.

“What is this pla-” The pain finally got too much for you and you started to slip into unconsciousness.

“Med-jacks! I need help!”


You dreamt you were walking through a field of flowers, hand in hand with the most gorgeous boy you had ever seen.  In front of you, in the field, was a picnic blanket covered with all your favourite foods. You turned to the boy and smiled. He gently placed his hand on your face, his thumb brushing your cheek. He bent down slightly and gently kissed you lips.

“I love you Y/N.”

“I love you too.”



The people that surrounded your bed all jumped back.

“Bloody hell!” A boy with a British accent exclaimed. “Of course she yells your name when she wakes up. She’s all yours.”

The boys surrounding you filtered out of the room, mumbling stuff about you and Minho. You slowly sat up, your eyes catching those of the one person you were dying to see. Minho walked towards your bed and sat down on the edge.

“Hey, how are you feeling?”

“Much better. How long was I asleep?”

“Well the thing is you went through the changing. You were stung before I found you. You’ve been out for about a week. I was so scared you weren’t going to make it.”

“A week? How can I have been out for a week? I just saw you earlier today.”

“The changing does things to people. Its bloody awful. Do you remember anything?”

“I do actually. I remember you.”


“Yeah. It was from ages ago. There was this field full of beautiful flowers.”

“And there was a picnic in the middle of the field…”

“You’ve seen it?”

“No. I think I was there…”

“We had our first kiss at that field.” You blushed at the memory. Looking at Minho, you saw you weren’t the only one.

“Y/N right? That’s your name?”

“Yeah, it is.”

Minho slowly moved closer towards you, his hand brushing you cheek.

“I hope we get to do that again sometime.” With a smile Minho leant forward and pressed his lips to yours. It was the most perfect second first kiss. 

A/N: ||themazerunnerimagines|| Tumblr

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