Newt Imagine

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"So I told him, ‘you’re the shuckiest shuck-face I ever saw’" Minho joked, sending you into hysterics. "Oh no, looks like your boyfriend’s on his man-period." You turned around to see Newt stomping angrily over to you, sweat and dirt on his face.

"Y/N, can I have a word?" Newt grabbed your arm before you could protest, and led you to the Deadheads, where no one else was around. He glared at you.

You shrugged. “What?”

“‘Am I not funny enough for you, huh?”

You furrowed your eyebrows. “Excuse me?”

Newt worked his jaw and looked away from you. “You heard me. I’m not cool enough so you go hang out with bloody Minho?”

You laughed out of shock. Newt looked up, hurt and confusion on his face. You softened your voice. “Newt, we were just joking around. We’re friends, does that word ring a bell?”

He huffed. “Yeah, but he’s,” he hesitated, looking at you carefully.

You scowled, knowing what he was hinting at. “He’s a what, Newt?” Your voice was cold and eerily calm.

"He’s a shuck guy, that’s what, Y/N!" Newt said.

All evidence of your previous calm was gone, you were fuming now. “Oh, I’m sorry,” you crooned, voice dripping with sarcasm, “Next time I’ll ask your permission before I have a conversation with someone - “

Newt bit his lip, “Y/N, I-“

"Don’t Y/N me, Newt! Maybe I should just save you the trouble and just befriend a girl, because we have oh so many of those around, don’t we?" Newt was looking helplessly at you, favouring his bad leg, but you were beyond sympathy now. "But what if you’re worried I’m flirting with girls too, huh? Well I guess I better talk to just you for the rest of my life, locked up in a-"

Newt strode forward, put his hands on your cheeks and slammed his lips to yours, hard. The only way he could think of shutting you up. He pulled back after a minute, panting.

You stared blankly at him, mind not working. The only thing you could come up with was “What?”

Newt nervously licked his lips. “I’m sorry, love.”

You sighed. “Newt, I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t of lost my klunk like that.”

He kissed you again, but this time it was slow and patient. They broke apart when they heard cheering and clapping. Minho and some other Gladers were crowded round some trees, a few feet away. Minho laughed.

"The Glade’s sweethearts are back together, shanks!" 

Newt glared. “Back to work you bloody-” You cut him off with another kiss.

A/N: Creds || mazerunner-imagines || <----- Tumblr

The Maze Runner Imagines And Preferencesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें