Gally Imagine

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“Who are you trying to kill with that look?” amused I dropped down on the soft grass besides Teresa.

Snorting she crossed her arms over her chest. “She.”

My eyes scurried to the beets where Newt and Thomas struggled, the latter in accompanied by the latest greenie, with their shovels in the hot afternoon sun. “What’s wrong with her?”

“What’s wrong with her?” an expression of pure disgust crossed her face, “it looks as if she was about to rip his clothes of off his body any minute.” Now that she mentioned it… One hand on his shoulder the other on his chest. Her head was tilled back as she laughed exaggerated. Yes, it gave the impression that she could remove the disturbing shreds of material at any moment. Nevertheless my brain did not manage to change into compassion mode.

“Don’t say you’re jealous,” grinning I nudged her in the side. She winced slightly.

“Course not,” she replied and performed a dismissively move with her left hand, “if she think she has to play the Glade bitch I don’t put myself in her way.”

“Don’t worry. Thomas will sooner or later realize what she is up to.”

She took a deep breath. “You’re right, you’re right. I’m sorry. I’m overreacting.”

“Look. She’s leaving,” I pointed with a satisfied waving hand move to the third girl who lived at the Glade.

A sigh escaped Teresa’s lips. “If you don’t mind…”

“Go,” Laughing I shook my head and patted her on the back, “I have to go back to work anyway.”

As if on cue Newt called my name. “(Y/N)!”

“I’m coming.” With my shovel stuck in my right hand I pinned myself onto Teresa’s heels.

Halfway to the beets my eyes realized a movement close to the forest that covered the rear side of the Glade. As if struck by lightning I stopped and grabbed the arm of the dark-haired girl. She turned around. A surprised look spread across her face. “What?”

Without saying a word I nodded at the two figures that disappeared hand in hand between the trees. Kate and Gally. “I’m going to kill her. I’ll kill her with my own shovel.”

Well, now I got the tit for tat for my comment earlier. “Don’t say you’re jealous.”

“Shut up,” I pouted and kept on walking in the direction of the two boys who were watching the scene carefully.

“Maybe she only wants to show him a rare plant she discovered. Or she asks him to help her with the wood so he can build a new shelter,” unfortunately her comforting words did not achieve the desired effect, “please don’t drive yourself crazy.”

“Too late,” Thomas commented as he sank his spade into the earth. Squinting my eyes shut I did the same.

“If I were you I would shut up,” Newt warned and lifted slightly nodding his eyebrow.

“Listen to him, Slinthead.” Surprisingly not another word left Thomas lips. In complete contrast to my newly crowned favourite person at the Glade. A choke escaped Teresa’s Lips which caused me to ram my elbow into her side.

“Hi Teresa. (Y/N).”

Reluctantly I returned her greeting. “Hi Kate.”

“How’s work going? If I look at the dirt under your fingernails, I’d say pretty well,” triumphantly she leaned herself against Gally, who tried to take a step to the side inconspicuous but failed miserably.

The Maze Runner Imagines And PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora