Life goes on

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It's now my third day here in this life and the maids all started to make a fuss because of what happened to me yesterday.

It was a shock to them that dad had invited me into his private bedroom and even spent tea time with him.

"My lady, I hope we can finally get the leaks in this villa fixed!"

"Well, I hope we can finally get good kitchen wares since almost all of our tools are the same age as our lady."

"I'm excited if we'd ever get to buy new clothes, jewelries, and accessories for our lady. We've never had the chance to dress her up properly, even for big events.

"We rarely have good food anymore ever since miss Penelope came."

"Yes, I agree. Everything was fine before she came."

Oh my, they shouldn't expect too much just from a small event of me meeting with Claude.

Lily warned the maids not to say anything dangerous, especially when it came to Penelope. But here they were, still talking about her.

I wonder where Lily went?

"Felix, take note of what they said." A man's voice echoed from behind the maids that surrounded me.

It was Claude and I was just as startled as my maids to see him here at my villa.

"Yes sir." Felix replied

Oh no, is he mad?

Lily was right behind him with a worried look on her face.

What will happen to my maids after bad mouthing the head lady of the Obelian estate?

"Why are you still in your night wear? You should be in your school uniform." Claude said. "I'll drop you off on my way to the corporate meeting."

School?! No one ever told me that I had school! 

The maids quickly helped me change and soon after, I was all dolled up. Though, I still wasn't able to process myself going to school. They handed me a bag and led me downstairs.

I went inside a limousine and sat beside dad who was reading a few papers.

"Go" Felix told the driver who was beside him.

We rode for 15 minutes in silence.

I took a few glances at dad to see what he was doing but he was busy reading some papers.

The school gate was huge.

A lot of students were going in.

I don't know why, but I was getting school jitters. I didn't have any friends. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know where to go.

"You can go now, miss" Felix said while handing me a black card.

"What's this?" I asked

"You'll be needing it." Claude finally said something.

I placed the black card inside my bag and kissed daddy on the cheek.

"Good bye daddy!"

He was startled when I did that.

Oops. I must have done it out of habit.

I stepped outside the car and watched it as it drove off.

I waved goodbye.

I was so caught up in my own thoughts, I didn't notice the people staring at me and whispering.

I went inside hoping that everything was going to be fine despite my lack of knowledge in this new life.

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