Changed? No, it's the real Athy.

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How odd.

I'm sitting in front of daddy.

There's this familiar feeling that I can't seem to shake.

Ah... yes this has happened before.

It was in my last life when I was invited by daddy for the first time to go to his palace.

He's staring at me again with that expressionless face.

The only difference now is that I don't feel scared of him anymore.

I just have to do what I did in my past life and I'll hopefully survive.

Well... if he's not talking, I guess I'll just take a bite of this-- wait! Is this a bingsu?! (Korean shaved ice)

My eyes widened as I slowly took a bite of the icy sweetness.

It was delicious! Just how I remembered it! I took another bite and then another one, and then again, and then--

"I didn't know you liked sweets." Daddy said.

"Of course you do-" I said which made him confused "-n't, don't. Hehe."

A brain freeze came over me and made my head hurt.

"You should take it slowly, after all, you only recovered from a cold."

He seems to be warming up to me.

"Ah, yes daddy... but why was this here?" I asked

"It was served by the servants for me." 

How embarrasing! I took it from daddy's side of the table but as far as I remember, he doesn't like sweets.

"Restraunts often send me food so I can give a review. If I do, their restraunt will definitely get famous." He explained.

Wow, I didn't ask you to brag about it, dad.

"You've changed." He said


Claude's POV

I went to the Ruby villa since I knew Penelope was going to be there. I never meddled in any of the things that she did. I don't know why, but this time, I felt the need to go see the daughter I never acknowleged. 

I opened the door and was greeted by the sight of my angered wife grabbing her step daughter by the arm.

Athanasia, you've never looked at me in the eye until that night. You were only a girl who always looked at the ground. It felt like you were lifeless and dull, so I never paid attention to you and left you to do your own things.

That night, when I saw your expression, I was confused. I could feel all your emotions just by your glance. Anger, sadness, love, happiness, pain, and joy.

It triggered me, to see you wince in pain because of my wife's nails piercing your skin. I don't know why I felt that way. As I was confused, I didn't scold Penelope, rather, I just stopped her from harming you any further.

I'm glad the debut party didn't happen. I honestly don't like all of them. There isn't a single person that's not of annoyance to me.

A year ago, a woman and her daughter came to my doorstep and claimed to be my family. She was my fianceé from a long time ago but the wedding never happened.

Now everyone has been pushing me to make Jennette my heir, to which I didn't mind because it seemed like she was more fit than the soulless-like daughter that has been living in my territory for her whole life.

But now... I think I'm going to cancel Jennette's debut indefinitely.

I have never heard you call me "daddy", or speak to me at all. I even thought you were a mute and couldn't talk. You always seemed to avoid me. 

I wonder why you are acting like this right now?

After that night, I couldn't forget how you looked at me. You became a completely different person and so did a part of me.

The next morning as I was taking a walk to clear my head off, I saw you wandering around my garden. It was my first time seeing you come to my villa. It looked like you were troubled and then you suddenly ran off into the garden maze.

It took a while for me and Felix to find you.

I have never cared for anyone. So, why was I so troubled seeing you lying on the ground?

A huge relief came over me when you moved and got your hair stuck in some leafy stems. It was quite funny.

I brought you to my room so that I could spend more time observing you and how much you've changed over a single night. You being near me seemed to melt all of my worries and stress away, so I decided to take a nap at the couch.

Penelope, once again, tried to hurt you. I made her go away since she was being such a nuisance.

Now, we're here sitting in front of each other. You stole my bingsu that I had the maids throw away. Good thing you liked it because I would have fired them because of their incompetence, but I'll let it slide.

It was interesting seeing you get excited over a small dessert.

"You've changed." I said without thinking, but still I was curious on how you'd react.

"Huh?" You simply replied with another question.

I smirked in amusement. I guess I'll ask another time.

End of Claude's POV


Hello guysss! Exams are finally over! I wasn't able to update yesterday because I had to finish an exam. 

Since Christmas break is here, I'll hopefully be able to update more than once a week and get to write in advance just in case when school comes back and I get too busy.

Well, although I'm on break, I still am really busy with other things like online selling and the pageant that I joined😍 (wish me luck!!!) Plus, I also want to spend time probably watching netflix, reading webtoons, manhuas, and manhwas hehe.

Anyways, I think I'll give another update tomorrow for you guys💖

I hope you'll always continue to support me and don't forget to leave a vote and add this story to your reading list 🤗

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