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It's finally lunch time, and Jennette is literally clinging to me while we're heading to the cafeteria.

Honestly, it feels very uncomfortable and somehow annoying.

Izekiel was following right behind us, still reading a book. Geez, he'll always be a book worm even in this life.

"I wonder what I'll eat today," Jennette thought deeply. "I hope they have croissants today, I'm especially craving them!"

"I'll just have anything available." I bluntly replied.

"Don't you always bring packed lunches?" Jennette asked me.

I now recall that Lily did put a lunch box in my bag. I guess I'll be eating it then.

"Oh, yes, what I meant was my packed lunch." I smiled. I was already getting hungry since my stomach kind of grumbled. How embarrassing.

"You must already be hungry." Izekiel commented with a slight voice crack.

I assume he's trying hard not to laugh, but it's clear to me that he really found it funny.

"Let's sit at our usual spot." Izekiel led the way.

The cafeteria had private lounges and it seemed like we always stayed at the VVIP room.

"How about we stay here outside for now." I suggested since I knew it would feel too stuffy to stay in one room with the two of them.

"Hmm sure, it's been a while since I ate at the common area." Jennette agreed

We picked a table at the center and settled down. As I tried to open my lunch, I heard other students chitchatting about us.

"She sabotaged Jennette's inheritance"

"I heard she pretended to be sick"

"She definitely did it on purpose"

I should've just eaten lunch at the VVIP room.

I'm pretty sure Jennette and Izekiel heard them, too.

"I'm sorry about what happened. I know you were really sick that night. Besides, you know how I feel about the inheritance situation." Jennette looked down while fidgeting with her hands.

How does she feel about it? I was so sure she would have gladly accepted it, just like in my other life.

"Don't worry, Athy. Jennette has been defending you from other students who bad-mouthed you too. It's just that those people who know nothing have the most energy to talk bad." Izekiel added.

Jennette defended me? I'm not so sure about that. This is my fourth life already. I should learn by now not to be easily fooled.

However, I still have hopes that what happened in my past life had a reason. Please be a good reason.

"Thanks, Jennette." I smiled.

I wonder if she knows what Penelope did to me.

After lunch break, the day went on like any normal school day. I had two classes and got a message from my driver that he was already parked outside.

This day felt very long and unexpected. Having to sit beside Jennette all day was just the cherry on top of all the other problems I had.

"Athy, wait!" Jennette called. "I'm going to buy a few things at the mall. Want to come with me? We can visit our favorite cafe after."

"Oh." I honestly felt tired after all the ruckus today. "I'm sorry, Jennette, but I feel a bit tired today. Maybe on another day?"

"Oh, sure! No worries, make sure you rest up. Maybe you haven't fully recovered from your fever, too. Drink some medicine later." She looked disappointed but also worried for me.

"I will. Thanks." I replied

"See you tomorrow" she hugged me and left.

How strange. I wish this time Jennette is who I think she is. Genuine. Kind. Good.

I proceeded to enter the limousine that was waiting for me.

"Home, miss?" The driver asked

"Yes, please."

"Haaa" I stared at my room's ceiling. "When will this get better?"

"Athy, dinner is ready. Would you like to eat it in your room?" Lily knocked at my door.

I smiled at the comfort of her presence. I have to make it up to Lily. I was so caught up in all of the things that happened in my past life that I wasn't able to show her my appreciation properly. Not to mention what she also went through because of me.

"I'll have dinner with you downstairs, Lily."

Dinner included a lot of familiar foods that I remember having in my second life.

I helped myself with some kimchi stew, tteokbokki, and odeng.

I'm not a big fan of spicy foods but I just suddenly miss those.

"I asked the cook not to make them too spicy." Lily pointed out.

"Thank you, Lily." I wanted to ask a few questions, but she might get suspicious if the original Athy of this world already knew the answers to it.

"Lily." I called, "May I just ask... What do you know about Penelope and Jennette?"

Lily looked down and forced a smile. "As my lady knows, Penelope and Jennette came to the estate around more than a year ago."

I nodded but wanted to know more.

"People talked. Spread bad rumors about them. However, just about a month later, those bad rumors died, and they were accepted as real Obelias. Especially because Jennette..."

Lily hesitated to continue.

"What, Lily?" I asked.

"Especially because Jennette possessed magic. The same magic you had."

"I had?"

What's this? I 'had' magic?

"Yes, Athy. You had magic. Even more powerful than Jennette's."


Hi everyone! I know this update is long overdue - 3 years past the deadline. I'm sorry, things got really busy after my last update, and I just sorta forgot about this because I had a new phone and didn't download the Wattpad app.

No worries! I will definitely finish this story and will start uploading weekly again. I already have a few unpublished chapters in case I get busy for a few days.

Even though a lot of time has passed, and I may not remember every detail about the Manhwa WMMAP, my love for WMAAP remains the same.

I hope you like the next chapters❤️❤️❤️

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