Daddy is here

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I stared at the wall while sitting on my bed. 

I had many questions but not a single answer.

A knock from the door pulled me back to reality. It was Lily.

From all the confusion that I experienced in a single day, I'm glad Lily's here with me. I hugged her tightly with teary eyes. I wasn't able to say good bye to her in my last life.

She was executed first for being marked as my accomplice in poisoning Jeanette and trying to steal the throne.

"I'm sorry" I whispered as I let go of her.

"You must have been shocked" She said with worried eyes "Oh dear, that viscious woman injured you. I will never forget what she did to you." 

I could see the anger and hurt in her eyes. Oh Lily, you were always like a mother to me, even in this life you're still the same.

She tended to the scratch marks Penelope gave me. Geez that woman is crazy.

It was my first time meeting her. I didn't see her in all my past lives. I wonder why she is here now?

"You should rest now, my lady. Good night." Lily left after tucking me in.

I woke up early in the morning before the sun rose up. The layout of the house I was living in was similar to the palace I stayed in my last life.

It was a bit cold but I didn't mind a breath of fresh air. I walked around and saw a a cobblestone pathway leading to magnificent garden.

Wow, even in modern times Claude still owns such a large land. How wide is this?

Their was a fountain made of gold. It shined as the sun began to rise. I've always loved shiny things. In fact, I remember that time in my last life when I first encountered my dad. 

I miss him.

I hate him for killing me.

But I still love him.

A cold chill went through my spine and I couldn't breath. I fell down, holding on to the fountain. Memories flashed through my eyes as if I went through it all again. The time when I was marked as a traitor and executed mercilessly. Another memory flashed,but this time it wasn't mine.

"Athanasia was a traitor she shouldn't be buried at the royal cemetery. The people will forget her and she won't be written down in history." A noble stated.

"She still deserves a proper burial. You shouldn't just toss her body away." A familiar voice said. It was Ijekiel.

"Ijekiel, you should just let it go. His majesty isn't feeling well, now is not the time for such trivial matters." Mr. Alpheus opposed him.

"T-Trivial matters you say?" Ijekiel clenched his fists in frustration. "Then I'll be taking my leave your majesty." He bowed and walked away.

"Ijekiel!" Jeanette followed him outside.

I saw my dad sitting on the throne. He looked terribly sick.

Then a man with black hair came out. I remember him! He was with me and Jeanette when we went to the market.

Then the flashes stopped after that man seemed to look at me even if I wasn't there. I felt like he saw me. Saw my soul.

 I stood up and ran. I felt like I needed to get away again. Get away from all the trauma and pain.

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